Be awake in the world, do not sleep walk your entire life never contemplating your soul’s yearning and desires. Be at peace with the world, despite its chaos or treachery while fully embracing its beauty and perfection nevertheless. There is perfection in the imperfection, if you look deep beyond the shallow lenses. Be still and full of faith and allow every moment to be a spiritual awakening. Danny G.
Greater Awareness and Peace
When you find the inner peace and joy that surpasses all understanding, you do not wish to change the past or rectify it. You know it brought you to this very moment. You know each season had a purpose and mission. You’re grateful for everything you learned and remembered in this physical plane. You know with this insight you can change your world, and shine your light for greater peace and love. Danny G.
With Open Arms
Instead of fearing and dreading the future, embrace it with open arms knowing you’re in control and you guide the outcome. Let go of the past and create your future. Instead of fearing old age, embrace the wisdom and maturity that comes with age. Instead of fearing death, live life full heartedly with peace and love in your heart. Confront your fear and replace it with your newfound story. You fear the thought so much, it consumes you. Be the leader you declare to be, and allow the divine to orchestrate it all for your blessing and favor. Danny G.
Confront It
When fear or pessimism knocks at your door, confront it with faith, peace and optimism. Confront it with the divine, the infinite and limitless intelligence that dwells inside you at all times. Allow the challenge to morph into what’s it’s destined to be, a stepping stone to your power, self control, and triumph. Danny G.
The Peace that Transcends the Universe
We are all one in many different forms. Saying we are separate from God, or others is not an act of God. The divine is for unity, not separation. Declaring separation prevents this force from working in our lives and on our behalf. Unity binds humanity and the world, and unity is an act of God, not of lack. When we understand this, we understand the peace that transcends the universe, and from this spirit, we know we can conquer anything, and achieve our greatest desires. Danny G.
The Center Of Your Being
Deep at the center of your being lies peace that surpasses all understanding. Deep at the center of your being lies wisdom for the heart and soul. Deep at the center of your being lies compassion to spark change. Deep at the center of your being is the limitless infinite source and soul that you are, and that’s destined to be. Danny G.
Love and Peace in Your Heart
Instead of seeking recognition and wealth, seek self worthiness and God. Worthiness of yourself and knowing you are worthy by God, is the best means of achieving success and wealth. And when the wealth and success manifests, you know it’s God’s will, and you know you achieved it with love and peace in your heart. Danny G.
Effortlessly and Gracefully
I have learned to be at peace whether you come or leave. I have learned to be at peace despite your lack or manifestation. Seeking inward is the only power and control I have, and when I’m ready, the manifestation appears effortlessly and gracefully. Danny G.
Return to Silence
When you feel overwhelmed beyond reason, or you feel the opposition pulling through, return to silence, your true medicine and healing. Silence doesn’t feel anger, fear or resentment. Silence returns to peace, faith and compassion. When you live from this space, you live like the true masters of our time. You can overcome any worldly calamities, and you have the intuition to shine through and conquer. Danny G.
Empower Yourself
Empower yourself by being pro peace. Empower yourself by being pro abundance. Empower yourself by being pro freedom. Live from this space of inspiration and wisdom. Whatever you are fighting against, you are perpetuating its very existence. Therefore, seek favor, blessings and love, and allow them to flourish in their ideal timing and sequence. Danny G.