Thought for Today

If we have been taught something from an early age, it’s difficult to adopt a new way of thinking. We live our lives with that truth creating a reality that matches our beliefs and expectations. What if those thoughts were simply misconceptions being passed down through generation after generation. What if the message has been thwarted. My advice to you is choose what resonates with you. Be your leader. Be your savior. Be the divine being of light that you are, meant to thrive. Danny G.

Your New Reality

Do you want to believe everything is getting worse or better? Perception is a choice. Worldly views are a choice. Faith is a choice. You can create your own reality of pessimism, or you can create your own reality of optimism. Whatever you believe becomes a part of you and your new reality. Danny G. 

Many Stories Within You

There are many stories within you at all times. Some betray you and some benefit you. Learn to distinguish which ones are beneficial to your mind, body and spirit. Some steal your energy and cause you to be pessimistic and fearful. While some replenishes you and causes you to be optimistic and have faith. Hold onto that, and let go of the rest. Danny G. 

A Fact or Perception

Ask yourself, is it a fact or is it a perception you created based on other’s beliefs and expectations. Reality is a perception, so what perception defines who you are and what comes next. What perception do you want to embrace and call your own. Danny G. 

Follow the Minority

When they say it can’t be done, declare to yourself, I’m going to prove you wrong. You can follow the majority, or you can follow the minority. The majority follows the pack. They follow the facts that convince them otherwise. They follow the perceived outlook of others. Be a Phoenix who rises from the ashes and breaks the boundaries. Be a Phoenix who doesn’t need confirmation, but who is the confirmation. Whether it’s been done or not, you can set the stage for its arrival. Danny G. 

Change Your Perception

If you cannot change the situation at the present time, change your perception of the situation. Change your outlook. Seek faith over fear. Seek optimism over pessimism. Seek clarity over confusion. Although you may not be able to change the circumstances, you can always change your response to the circumstances, and that changes everything. Danny G. 

Everything is Perception

Your emotional turmoil is not created by the events and circumstances of your life. They’re created by your perceptions, beliefs and expectations. Everything is perception, and it all stems from beliefs and expectations. You can choose optimism or pessimism, bitterness or compassion, fear or faith. Whatever you choose alters your current reality and paves the rest. Danny G. 


Be independent with your thoughts and actions. Don’t allow others to conform you or persuade you of their truth. Everyone has their own truth and perceptions, and perceptions are what creates contrast and reality. Hold fast to the vision in your heart, and claim it yours until you hold it in the palm of your hands. Danny G. 

Receiving Abundance

You can accept mediocrity, lack and poverty, or you can accept joy, gratitude and abundance. Perception can be completely different today than yesterday. You’re always in the process of creation and transformation, so be conscientious about your thoughts, and allow them to turn into action steps, to greater abundance and happiness. Danny G. 

Stillness Tranquility and Inner Peace

Stillness, tranquility and inner peace produce happiness and a sound mind. When everything around you is in chaos or havoc, the spirit of stillness still lives inside you. Recognize that feeling, and know that under any circumstances and events, you can return to it. This is where your power lies, and it’s where your perception changes. When your perception changes, so does your life and future. Danny G.