Everyone has a place in the world, and we all have our share to create a greater humanity. Just make sure you’re shedding light, not darkness, and don’t fight contrast or others’ perceptions. Accept that everyone’s journey is unique, as we’re all imparting a seed in some form. We tread the path of imperfections, on a journey of trial and error to our destination. The most important element is acknowledging our progress and always seeking growth. Danny G.
Perfection and Perception
Perfection can mean two things. It can mean being your best where you are with what you have. Or it can be the impossible task of getting everything right and never falling. With the former, you have control, and you choose your reaction. However, the latter will never give you the power to create and ultimately the gift of the journey. Danny G.
Being Optimistic
There’s always a bright side to the story no matter how difficult or chaotic your world may seem. You must find a way to focus on the optimistic story rather than the pessimistic story. Perception is in the eye of the beholder. Just ensure you choose a happy ending with a meaningful and purposeful journey. Danny G.
Perception Means Everything
It is only the mind preventing us from growing older gracefully. It is only the mind preventing us from healing gracefully time and time again. It is only the mind preventing us from going further than we ever imagined. Some people spend a lifetime denying these statements. Some people devote their lives to these truths. The ones who devote their lives to these teachings are the ones who live in possibilities and faith. With possibility and faith, miracles unleash for our divine purpose and destiny. Danny G.
Choices That Lead Us Back Home
We all have unique gifts and talents to achieve our purpose, and most importantly to be happy. Everything we want, we want it for one reason, to be happy. We can say essentially it’s happiness leading us, because whenever we want something, it’s because we believe it will bring us joy.
The problem lies when we focus so much on the chaotic world, and our own distress. We focus on it until we lose our alignment, then we allow our thoughts of pessimism to consume us. Optimism and pessimism sets the course for our life, as it’s a choice, which sets things into motion, for our well-being or lack. Being fortunate or unfortunate, is a choice, and perception changes everything. Faith, joy, dread, and fear are all choices, defining who we are, and ultimately setting the stage for the arrival.
The choice is ours to our awaken, as pessimism and optimism fights to win its course. Choose joy, which sparks the flame, and ultimately leads you back home. Danny G.
Distraction the Best Healer
When I focus on the fear and pain, I magnetize it with my own eyes. Then the fear and pain becomes greater, only to pierce my fuzzy eyes. When I distract myself from the thought and sensation, I return to peace, where divinity lies. By regaining my inner peace, I become me again, and realize, perception is where wisdom lies. Danny G.