Growth comes from stepping out into the unknown and persisting with a faith that doesn’t die. The comfort zones may try to keep you still, or it may try to pull you back to safety, but know with a new awareness comes breakthroughs waiting to be unleashed. Danny G.
In Totality
Your desires change from season to season as you accumulate through the years. Experience them fully, but know that when one dream dies, another one is on the horizon waiting to be fulfilled. Don’t stay stuck on a completion, but be grateful for it, and know that there’s always another one waiting to be experienced in totality. Danny G.
Don’t Be A Slave To It
Master your mind, don’t be a slave to it. You master your mind by having unwavering faith, persistence and wisdom. You master it by empowering yourself, motivating yourself and inspiring yourself to be the best you. You master your mind by realizing, you’re not a slave to it, you’re a deliberate creator bound to flourish and thrive. Danny G.
Dare to Persist and Have Faith
The journey may have uphills, detours and delays. Know it doesn’t have to be a straight path. You can turn around any time and you can create your own path. Every journey is unique. You are authentic and your uphills and detours can become your greatest breakthroughs if you dare to persist and have faith. Danny G.
A Compassion That Does Not Die
Commitment requires effort, persistence and faith. Without pursuing, you cannot receive, and without action steps, you cannot receive. When inspiration calls you forth, step forward and know source is for you, guiding you with a compassion that does not die. Danny G.
Know It’s Already Yours
You create success by choosing it over and over again. You create it by your realization that you’re worthy and deserving of it. If someone achieved it, so can you, so persist, have faith and know it’s already yours. Danny G.
Celebrating Yourself
Don’t focus merely on your failures. Focus on the fact that you had the strength to persist. Focus on the fact that despite the lack, or scarcity you still had faith. Celebrate yourself rather than belittling yourself. Celebrating yourself is the path to healing. Danny G.
Being Productive With Your Thoughts
Instead of focusing on all the reasons it won’t work, focus on the limitless being you are. Focus on faith, persistence and wisdom. Don’t waste your energy on failure, spend your energy on being productive with your thoughts. By being productive with your thoughts, you’re productive with your life and creation. Danny G.
Persist and Have Faith
Everyone starts on a different path, and we all have our own journey. We have lessons to learn or remember with goals and dreams within. By looking at just the adversities, your breakthrough cannot arrive. Accept, release, let go and the challenges can turn into your greatest breakthrough if you persist, have faith and don’t give in. Danny G.
Persisting With Faith
Your adversities play a role in waking you up. They bring you greater self awareness and personal transformation. Often we run on autopilot, not recognizing our own power to change. When challenges present themselves, it’s your opportunity to create in the midst of it. It’s your opportunity to respond or react. It’s your opportunity to say, I’m going to create something great and meaningful in the midst of this. I’m going to be optimistic, and I’m going to persist with faith. Danny G.