When the voices say I don’t care, create your own passion, zeal, and dreams. Force it into being if you must, and know your affirmations and declarations are rewriting the script. Explore while seeking your soul, and know that when you persist steadfastly to your dream, nothing is impossible. You know the universe conspires on your behalf and you allow it to unleash its magic for you, and humanity. Danny G.
Yours to Claim Now
No matter how dark it seems, and how illogical it seems. Even if everything tells you just to give in. Remember the heroes who walked this path, sparked change, and let go of the wrath. Remember the ones who stood by what they knew, and persisted despite the pain. Remember the ones who knew they had purpose, and then claimed it theirs. Remember these ones, as they paved the course. And remember, God says it’s yours to claim now. Danny G.
Persistence Wisdom and Faith
Persistence, wisdom, and faith is what springs forth all triumph. Without persistence, the battle will wear you down incessantly. Without wisdom, you’ll stumble wherever you go. Without faith, you’ll deny the possibilities. For whatever triumph, one had to believe in the possibilities, persevere, never relinquish, and dream. Danny G.
The Master of Your Destiny
As you envision your journey in the years to follow, make sure you’re optimistic, and faithful despite the battle. For there will be battles, but if you persistently dwell on them, you allow them to control you, and you give them your power. Then your journey follows its course in the essence of your thoughts. Your are the master of your destiny, creating with your imagination and wisdom. Therefore, envision your end result as you want it to be, and you’ll be the deliberate creator you were born to be. Danny G.
Perseverance and Triumph
Life requires risks and taking action to the mission you set for yourself, and for others. It requires a persistent determination, to persevere and thrive. When the storm surges through with a moment of uncertainty and doubt, remember the heroes who never gave in, persevered, and triumphed. Danny G.
Your Calling
Failure may knock on your door at times, and you may not always find the clarity you’re looking for. The mountain can seem insurmountable, and its uphill can leave you tired and frail. Always keep in mind that with persistence and faith, your purpose and destiny is calling you to greatness. Danny G.
Persistence and Faith
All progress must come from a recognition of our weaknesses and flaws, and a determination to grow. It’s accepting we’re imperfect beings who will fall from time to time, and it’s accepting life’s not perfect, as we’ll always need to strive for greater. But with persistence, faith, and taking action to our dream, the victory is inevitable if we simply don’t give in. Danny G.
Focusing on the Victory
Don’t be down because of your failing, for every great man of faith had many stumbling blocks before his breakthrough. What made him thrive was his unwillingness to give in. He persisted, focused on his victory, and he was grateful for every improvement along his heartfelt mission and journey. Danny G.
Divine Purpose
You chose this mountain because climbing it would spring forth the most miraculous sunset among the greatest sky. You chose this mountain because the end product resonated with your very core. And you knew if you persisted, the victory was inevitable and breathtaking to say the least. Danny G.
Persist and Believe
Don’t think for a moment, it cannot happen because of your past failures. Some of the greatest minds and teachers on this planet had many failures before their breakthrough. What made them thrive and accomplish great things was their unwillingness to give in. They truly believed in their heart they would triumph. The power is in your hands, if you simply persist and believe. Danny G.