Don’t think for a moment, it cannot happen because of your past failures. Some of the greatest minds and teachers on this planet had many failures before their breakthrough. What made them thrive and accomplish great things was their unwillingness to give in. They truly believed in their heart they would triumph. The power is in your hands, if you simply persist and believe. Danny G.
Forgiveness and Persistence
When someone hurts you, don’t be the referee, turn it over to God, and let him fight your battles for you. Allow karma to run its course, for it never fails and the good one always wins. Just don’t give in to bitterness, for the wise one knows the victory is through forgiveness, and persistence. Danny G.
Move Forward With Boldness
Don’t miss out on what’s right in front of you because you’re scared of the past repeating itself. Accept the past with loving eyes, and move forward with boldness and a spring in your step. Know with complete awareness, all is well, and everything works out together for good, if you simply persist. Danny G.
Refocusing the Current Reality
The damage you created yesterday, which is your current reality today, may take time, perseverance, and refocusing to change it in your favor. It may seem as though nothing is improving, or it’s getting worse. If you persist, I can assure you, one day you’ll realize no effort ever goes unnoticed with God. And if you focus on faith rather than fear, one day you’ll look back thinking it all worked out for your highest good. Danny G.
Yearning and Manifestation
A yearning is the beginning to life’s every desire. Every desire has a means of manifestation, if we look within and persist. The path will be shown step by step as we march forward with our vision at the forefront. Challenges come and go as we tread the path of our divine mission. With every challenge, comes seasons, growth, and newfound romance. A simple persistence and simple optimism with a sturdy vision, always brings about the best outcome and joy out of life. Danny G.
Letting It Blossom
Physical attraction alone cannot sustain a relationship. Love takes a deep connection, more than lust and more than physical beauty alone. It takes persistence, an intimacy for each other to discover ourselves anew. Don’t deny it, just let it be, and let it blossom for the evolution of your soul. Danny G.
Conquerors from the Start
Don’t beat yourself up for falling every now and then. We’re all here for a learning experience or a remembering experience. Sometimes life causes us to fall back or forget. The greatest factor that determines our success is if we get back up again. We get back up again because we’re conquerors from the start, and we know the victory is through persistence, and not giving in. Danny G.
The Hero Within Us
We look at a celebrity with admiration and astonishment in our eyes. We sing them praises for merely their talent, elegance, and recognition. Yet we don’t see our own magnificence, triumph, and the hero within us. We’re heroes because we persevered despite the seemingly little odds. We’re heroes because we didn’t give in despite the world crashing down on us. We’re heroes because we persisted despite it all, and saw the victory, not for reasons that are irrelevant to who we are. Danny G.
A Persistent Faith
Don’t remain stagnant your entire life, since all opportunities need risks and a persistent faith. When you declare your faith, and persistently march towards your destiny, God shows up and moves mountains, that seemed insurmountable from the start. Danny G.
Discipline and Practice is Key
What is gaining mastery in your life? Everything takes discipline and practice. How does a pro ball player become a pro ball player? How does a great stock broker become a great stock broker? Everything takes persistent practice and discipline. Without discipline, you can’t stick to anything and without practice you never unlock your true potential. Gaining mastery can start with the simple affirmation, I have discipline, and I will keep my eye on the prize until my desire manifests! Danny G.