Persist and Have Faith

Everyone starts on a different path, and we all have our own journey. We have lessons to learn or remember with goals and dreams within. By looking at just the adversities, your breakthrough cannot arrive. Accept, release, let go and the challenges can turn into your greatest breakthrough if you persist, have faith and don’t give in. Danny G. 

Persisting With Faith

Your adversities play a role in waking you up. They bring you greater self awareness and personal transformation. Often we run on autopilot, not recognizing our own power to change. When challenges present themselves, it’s your opportunity to create in the midst of it. It’s your opportunity to respond or react. It’s your opportunity to say, I’m going to create something great and meaningful in the midst of this. I’m going to be optimistic, and I’m going to persist with faith. Danny G. 

Freedom Awaits

It’s time to move forward. You persisted a long trek uphill with unwavering faith and perseverance. Your strength showed in the amount of steps you took wholeheartedly and gracefully. Seasons change while freedom awaits. Don’t fight or resist it. Allow it and receive. Danny G. 

Self Reliant to Conquer

Reprogramming the mind takes practice and persistence. It’s not a one time manifestation. Practice self discipline and self control. Declare that you’re self reliant to conquer all odds. Declare the overcomer you were always destined to be. Danny G. 

Creating Our Opportunities

You create your opportunities through faith and persistence. Don’t allow the environment to define you, or control you. Do what you love to do, and allow the universal source to speak to you and guide you. Everything you need is within you. It’s waiting for you to claim it now. Danny G. 

The Same Energy

Whatever someone achieved, you know if he or she did it, so can you. Your only problem is not wanting to take that step of faith and persistence. You feel frozen, and you feel it’s beyond your capabilities. Trust that everyone is made up of the same energy that creates worlds. My advice to you is, create your own world. Danny G. 

Reaching Beyond

When you persistently seek personal growth, there will be mistakes and failures. There will be trial and error. That’s the process of life. For when you reach beyond, new events, circumstances and choices arise. Be easy on yourself, forgive yourself, don’t give in, and never forget how far you’ve come. Danny G. 

Persist With Faith in Your Heart

When your passion becomes stronger than your fear, you’re one step closer to your dream. Fear may try to intimidate you, or persuade you, but your passion will keep springing forth time and time again. With desire comes faith, and faith is more powerful than any fear. Persist with faith in your heart, and you will overcome and triumph. Danny G. 

Strength and Persistence

There may be detours and delays, but you’ll always rise again with persistence and faith. The battle is meant to strengthen you. Rise like the eagle who flies above the nightly sky, staring at the world underneath it, with utter strength and persistence. Danny G. 

Your Capable Hands

Believe in the God or Goddess you are, and that the power remains in your capable hands. There is no coincidence, as it’s all creation. Know your role is to have faith and persistence, and the rest is left to the universe to work its magic. Danny G.