Don’t focus on just getting by, or merely having your needs supplied. Focus on the infinite limitless source that is in you, that created you, and that created the universe. There is a divine surplus waiting for you when you act with faith and persistence. Danny G.
Planting A Seed
Plant a seed in your subconscious mind, by affirming and repeating your desires. Repeat it as you want it in your minds eye. Persist and claim it yours, until you hold it in the palm of your hands. Danny G.
The Space Of Inner Peace
Persistence, wisdom and faith does not fail. If you continue to seek inward, and choose wisely in your thoughts, words and actions, inevitably you’ll arrive at your destination. You cannot get the opposite of what you’re projecting, so be still, and find that space of inner peace where all is well, and everything is working together for your highest good. Danny G.
Reaching the Mountain Top
One must take risks to reach the mountain top. Every great leader and every great master kept on harnessing their skills and abilities. They didn’t allow complacency and comfort to remain their home. They kept their eyes on the prize, persisted and claimed it theirs. Danny G.
Don’t Underestimate It
Every creation stems first from thoughts. Inspiration stems from thoughts, but it’s taking action steps to your dream that brings it to fruition. Your mind is powerful, don’t underestimate it, and know whatever desire you have is achievable through persistence and faith. Plant a seed, water it, and watch it bloom. Danny G.
The Spiritual Warrior You’re Destined To Be
Build your home sturdy and strong, so it’s able to withstand the storm. Build your home with integrity and wisdom, so the current will not pull you down. Integrity and wisdom is key to stand strong, even though the opposition is vying for your attention. With time and persistence, nothing can shake you, as you become the spiritual warrior you’re destined to be. Danny G.
The Visionaries
The visionaries of our time may have felt fear from time to time, but they never allowed it to consume them. In essence, they felt it, and they remained steadily focused on their dream. Whenever the fear tried to creep in, they had their vision at the forefront of their mind, and they did not waver. They persisted with faith, knowing success was theirs to claim. Danny G.
With Heart and Soul
Don’t allow others to tell you who you are, or what you can or cannot become. This is your territory, and nobody knows you better than you. Have faith in your vision, and know nothing can prevent the course of the inevitable dream, as you persist with faith in your heart and soul. Danny G.
It’s All Perception
Suffering is a mind not at ease, and a body not at ease. The mind not at ease is optional, and whatever the mind says, the body eventually follows. Reaction defines everything including your emotional state and the life that unfolds. React out of peace, harmony and love. Seek wisdom, above your preconceived notions and misconceptions. In time, with persistence and faith, you’ll have the life of your every desire. Danny G.
Greatest Achievement
Don’t allow the naysayers to steer you off course. Don’t allow the pessimists to turn you bitter. Don’t allow fear to paralyze you. Every great teacher and leader didn’t allow others to turn them into somebody they’re not. They persisted with their vision and faith, and they turned their naysayers into their greatest achievement and success. Danny G.