The Inevitable Faith

Don’t allow vulnerability to become your home. We all have vulnerabilities at times, and the trek can seem uphill and bleak. Tread along with faith and love in your heart, and let go of all your fears and doubts. Let the inspiration guide you to your destination and dream, the inevitable process of persistence and faith. Danny G. 

Unlimited Source

How do you get beyond the pain and misery? Focus on the divine being that you are, with unlimited answers. Call to him in your darkest hour, and know he will intervene for your greatest good. He has unlimited resources and favor waiting for you to declare yours, and he answers with persistence and faith. Danny G.

Persisted With Faith

Don’t be overly critical of yourself since we’re all here for a learning experience, or a remembering experience. Every great master falls from time to time, and every great master had his hardships to deal with. What made him thrive was his unwillingness to give in. He persisted with faith knowing nothing is impossible with God. Danny G. 

Courage Strength and Resilience

Heroes do not run away from their opposition no matter how great the opponent appears to be. Heroes look at their adversity with courage, strength, resilience and the wisdom they gained. They know the victory is through persistence, faith, love and not giving in. Danny G. 

Embrace the Unknown

Even if the path leads you to the unknown, or if it creates doubts and concerns that consume your mind, keep pressing through, despite the shackles on your feet, and the confusion that invades your mind. Eventually you’ll have your breakthrough, for persistence and faith always leads to your breakthrough, and victory. One day, you’ll feel a deep sense of gratitude for your persistence, and the simple act of unwavering faith. Danny G. 

Source is Within You

Have the courage to step forth boldly despite the opposition turning your way. Have the persistence to move forward despite the shackles beneath your feet. And when everything tells you just to give in, persevere, claim it yours, for the divine is within you, orchestrating it all in your favor, for your ultimate best and happiness. Danny G.

Rise Up

You do not need to reach the mountain top right away. Sometimes huge leaps of faith aren’t necessary. You just need a dream to hold onto, persist and claim it yours. Time passes and the night settles with a storm and the fog affects your vision when darkness falls. Just know you’ve been down this path before, and with persistence and faith, you’ll rise up, call it forth, and triumph. Danny G.

Determination and Persistence

Don’t make excuses for your unhappiness or lack of success. Don’t make yourself the victim and fall prey to life’s challenges. Accept your current reality, and know it’s impermanent if you declare it so. Know you’re always rewriting the script, and excuses only holds you back. A sturdy determination to persist and have faith will yield the essence of your desires. Danny G.

Be Steadfast and Persist

Let the naysayers or critics push you to greater heights. Allow them to be, for their only mission was  to catapult you to thrive and triumph. When you allow this force of God to dominate, you allow the infinite intelligence to intervene and conspire on your behalf. Naysayers have no power over the God or Goddess you are, so be steadfast and persist towards your breakthrough and victory. Danny G. 

Unwavering Faith

Seek strength from the divine, and you will be sturdy and strong to win the battle. Seek wisdom above your ego lenses, and allow your gifts to shine through. As you pour your energy into your spiritual journey, you’ll realize nothing is impossible or unattainable, through your unwavering faith and persistence. Danny G.