Discover Yourself

You can go down that slippery slope and remember all those times you fell. Or you can take control, embrace the situation and be productive. Faith is asking you to follow your inner guidance, inspiration and wisdom. You can focus on your failures, infirmities and inadequacies, or you can focus on all the times you got back up. You can focus on the fact that you’re still here for a reason and it’s up to you to discover it. Danny G. 

From Pessimism to Optimism

Some people use one negative aspect of their lives, and they make it their reality and expectations. Others take that negative aspect, they learn from it and grow. They allow what was once called pessimism to become optimism. When you’re optimistic, you open doors for greater joy and abundance. When you’re pessimistic, you cannot see the solution or the world of opportunities. Don’t close yourself off to the world from negativity. Allow what’s negative to become a building block for a brighter tomorrow. Danny G. 

Printed in the Heart

Within every failure or setback lies personal growth. Don’t look merely at the failure or the setback. Look at who you became in the process. Look at what you discovered from within. Some things are meant for a lifetime, and some things are meant for a season. The things that are meant for a season still have lessons printed inside your heart and soul. Danny G. 

Waiting to be Unleashed

Growth comes from stepping out into the unknown and persisting with a faith that doesn’t die. The comfort zones may try to keep you still, or it may try to pull you back to safety, but know with a new awareness comes breakthroughs waiting to be unleashed. Danny G. 

From Darkness to Light

Being challenge free stunts growth. Accept it, and allow it to be your opportunity for personal growth and evolution. Only light can become mundane and stagnant. At the end of the tunnel, there is still light, and that’s what makes your journey from darkness to light. Danny G. 

Our Greatest Education

At times our greatest growth and education comes from failures and mistakes. If you can push past the fear and trepidation with your dream at the forefront, you will get to your destination. For persistence doesn’t quit, and faith always leads to your every desire. Danny G. 

See It As A Blessing

Challenges are meant to make you grow spiritually. Without challenges we would remain static and complacent. Challenges cause us to become stronger, stretch our faith and seek wisdom. Don’t curse the challenge, see it as a blessing to bring out the best you. Danny G. 

More Evolved

Everyone who belittles you, disrespects you or rejects you out of mere ignorance, be aware that you are more evolved, for you don’t need to feed your insecurities through arrogance and intimidation. Danny G.  

A Positive Investment

Instead of viewing your well being and personal growth as a sacrifice, see it as an investment. Quieting the mind, stillness, and persistence are pre paving the path before you. It’s recuperation and rejuvenation. It’s productivity and clarity. It’s faith and optimism over fear and pessimism. And it’s compassion over bitterness. Danny G. 

Your Greatest Gift

Turn your weaknesses into fuel for motivation and inspiration. Use your setbacks as lessons for personal growth. Let these setbacks permeate into something beautiful. You’ll discover at times, your gift lies in your greatest weakness. Danny G.