Your self worthiness and confidence has a great effect on how you live your life. It defines your future, and your creation. Know you are worthy for expansion on every level and to achieve great things. It all starts with the image you project in your mind of yourself. Declare your worthiness, declare your confidence, and your inevitable creation. Danny G.
Lessons for Growth
Allow your failures to be lessons for growth and expansion. The failures can either sink you into a pit, or they can be lessons to succeed and thrive. Listen to your failures for they have something to teach, and you’ll recognize they were merely stepping stones to a greater you and a greater life. Danny G.
Change and Progress
Change is inevitable and it’s constantly in progress. When you accept change and impermanence, you allow growth and expansion. For you cannot experience true joy and fulfillment while fighting or resisting change. Change is accepting seasons, detours and delays, and knowing it’s all part of your journey to success. Danny G.
Growth and Exploration
Don’t seek merely the end product, enjoy the journey and make memories. There is no end, life is a continuous unfolding of growth and exploration. When we seek merely the end product, we don’t live in the moment and embrace all the opportunities for happiness and success. Seek the joy of the moment, and the rest will unfold as you declare it to be. Danny G.
Embracing Change
Change is necessary for your growth and evolution, and you fight it consistently. Every success, breakthrough and healing came from change and taking risks. Every journey had setbacks and detours, but the ones who embraced change and remained focused on their dream, persevered and had their breakthrough. Danny G.
Destined to Grow
You come into this world to learn the truths that govern humanity. You come into this world to know the infinite limitless being you are. You come into this world to know we’re all interconnected, and we’re all in this together. You learn these truths for your own well being and the well being of others. By knowing these truths, you impart them to the world as a seed destined to grow. Danny G.
Create Your Work Of Art
In life you’ll move from state to state, and season to season. Every state has something to learn and potential for growth. Don’t remain stuck in the previous states forever, learn from them and expand with the whole of humanity. Don’t fight each season, accept them, embrace them, and create your work of art on the beautiful canvas we call life. Danny G.
Always Expanding
God’s laws cannot be extinguished. They always have been and always will be. Your role is to utilize them for your benefit and for others, and to expand with them. God’s laws says I am, and you say I am, and therefore you add to the whole. You grow and by doing so, so do others since we’re all interconnected. Yesterday wasn’t wrong, it was just a different season, and every day is a new creation and a new expansion. Danny G.
Evolved Being
You never cease to be, you’re a growth seeking being, destined to thrive and succeed. You’re an evolved being destined for a spiritual evolution and journey. Don’t stop midway or wander in the desert forever, seek expansion as you create yourself anew every single day. Danny G.
Accepting Change and Growth
Rules change over time and so does humanity. Humanity is constantly changing and growing. What was right a century ago may not apply today, and what was right yesterday may not be the ideal choice today. We’re constantly learning and in some cases remembering what we have forgotten. Seek what resonates with your soul and source. Seek inward as we all have wisdom within. When we tap into this infinite intelligence, we don’t need a rule book to live our lives. We have inner guidance as our rule book and gateway to thrive. Danny G.