Personal growth means going beyond your past conditioning. It means no longer repeating the past, or making excuses to repeat the past. It means you are a product of your past, through your own creation. You can create anything you want if you release, let go and be the deliberate creator you came for to be. Danny G.
Evolution is Eternal
The world and humanity is somewhat of a repetition. However, new bodies emerge, new laws emerge and new leaders emerge. Yesterday wasn’t wrong, as it was just a perception or cycle of that time. For every cycle or generation that emerge, humanity evolves and it expands. Humanity adds to the truth of yesterday and clears misconceptions. For at one time, that misconception was a creation under process. It was a creation for expansion and evolution. Staying stuck on the past is staying stuck on old philosophies that no longer apply today. It’s not allowing the modern philosophies to expand for a greater evolution to take place. It’s living in the past saying the world and humanity is a finished product. If the world was a finished product, there would be no reason to grow individually and collectively. If the philosophies of yesterday were meant to remain without any alterations, leaders of today wouldn’t offer their perspective and teachings. If there was only one book meant to be praised, there would be no further insight to gather. If there was just one blueprint, the mission would be complete and it wouldn’t require further evolution. Danny G.
Allow It To Teach You
Instead of allowing the failure to sink you down into sadness, allow it to teach you. The failure is meant to teach you what you need for success. You need to learn how to turn the failure into a triumph. You do so with optimism and faith. You do so with persistence. Listen within and you’ll realize that failure was just one stepping stone onto your victory. Danny G.
Your Best Life
Don’t seek to merely survive, seek to thrive and be the grandest version of you. Do so with passion, compassion and a faith that cannot die. For out of the greatest emotions, lies the greatest art, and greatest life. Danny G.
The Greater You
You can allow a narrow view or you can allow self awareness and personal transformation. Narrow view sees reality as is. It doesn’t contemplate. It doesn’t reflect. Self awareness sees the opportunity within the challenge. It seeks faith and optimism which lead to inspiration and motivation. Self awareness leads to personal transformation, because when you seek greater awareness, you grow, you expand and you become the greater you. Danny G.
Settle For Greater
Instead of wanting things to go back to the way they were, focus on new possibilities and opportunities. Yesterday may have been great, but today and tomorrow can be even greater. You’re not at the same place you were. You’re always in the process of personal growth and transformation. Don’t settle for the same, settle for greater. Danny G.
Repeat or Grow
At times life will cause you to relive prior experiences. Could be childhood trauma, could be a promise you made to yourself that you knew was from God. Could be a dream or goal that you gave up on. Life can be a repeated cycle, or it can be a transformational journey. You decide how many times you repeat, or how many times you grow. Danny G.
Freedom Acknowledged
We are always evolving. Why do we need a rule book to define us? We are creators and ambassadors of our passion as we seek inward for insight and revelation. The greatest savior said we can do great things like him or greater. Yet the greatest mistake is denying our intelligence and wisdom. It’s denying our free will. It’s creating barriers where freedom should be acknowledged. Danny G.
Remember Yesterday
Always remember where you came from. It may not seem like progress and personal growth, but if you see into the distant past, you would see wisdom evolve. You would see reminders from your soul. You would see a different person from yesterday. You are always changing and evolving, and with time on your side, you will see a beautiful unfolding. Danny G.
New Improved Version
Your past is who you were yesterday. Life is always changing and you’re always growing. Don’t define yourself by the past. Become the new improved version of you. Become self aware and transform into the phoenix you were created to be. Danny G.