Life is always changing and so are you. The right choice you made yesterday may not be ideal today, and the right choice you make tomorrow may not be ideal today. You are always evolving and growing personally and spiritually. Do what resonates with you this very moment. Do what you feel peace about this very moment. Then tomorrow, the choice may change, but it will be for your ultimate best. Danny G.
A Learning Experience
Take every mistake or failure as a learning experience. A learning experience for personal growth, and to experience greater happiness, peace and success. For out of every mistake lies your potential and opportunity to expand further, reach greater and achieve more. Danny G.
A Great Success Story
Sometimes you need those painful experiences to push you forward and grow. You may not see it now, but if you dare to see past the challenge with persistence and faith, those adversities will turn into a great success story and triumph. Danny G.
Think Greater
Think greater than your adversity. Be bigger than the problem. See the challenge as under your feet. That is the definition of faith. Stretch your faith a little more each time you face your challenge. If you keep on stretching, you won’t waver and doubt, and you’re well on your way to your destination and dream. Danny G.
Activate the Genius Within You
Your mind and soul can figure out how to get to your dream and destination. By seeking to master your mind and growing spiritually, you activate the genius within you. Just like a magician surprises you, like the acrobat astounds you, like the philosopher enlightens you, this same spirit lives inside you for whatever endeavor you embark upon. Learn the art of allowing and manifesting. Danny G.
Seeking Growth
Do not seek to be right or wrong. Seek peace, wisdom and unity. When you live from this space, you’re in alignment with the divinity that you are. You’re in alignment with the spirit that transcends the universe. You realize that right and wrong keeps on changing and evolving, and so do you on your quest and spiritual journey. Danny G.
Let Go Of Limitations
Accept the insights, wisdom and advice that resonates with your soul, and let go of the rest. Growing means knowing who you truly are, and what you’re capable of. It’s letting go of limitations and embracing the new. Danny G.
Growth Mindset
You can have a growth mindset, or you can have a mediocre mindset. Life is about self awareness and transformation. Life doesn’t remain stagnant and complacent. It’s constantly evolving for the greater you and humanity. Accept it, move beyond it and be perpetually changed into the new you and new reality. Danny G.
Constantly Evolving
Replace the word “should” with being your authentic and unique self. What brings you happiness, fulfillment and compassion? What inspires you to be a better you? That is the true calling. This is the mission you chose for you, your loved ones and humanity. Danny G.
Your Means Of Manifestation
At times, the greatest obstacles force us for personal growth and transformation. You have two choices, allow the obstacles to turn you astray, or allow it to turn you inward. From within, you’ll discover your spiritual evolution, your answers, solutions and your means of manifestation. Danny G.