You determine your fate. Fate is self created, and fate can change because you’re a deliberate creator in this physical plane. Don’t allow an external fate to rule over you. Let go of those misconceptions, and embrace the growth seeking being you’re destined to be. Danny G.
Shift From Being Right to Being Your Best
Don’t seek to do it right, seek to be the best you. From every vantage point, there is room for personal growth and expansion. Shift from being right, to being your best where you are with what you have. Right changes day by day and season by season. Being your best now is always evolving and expanding to the greater you and greater life. Danny G.
Being Aware
Become aware of your inner self talk. It’s key for personal growth and transformation. Reprogram your mind persistently and steadfastly. Whatever pessimistic beliefs you’re holding onto, release them, and embrace your new optimistic beliefs and expectations. Danny G.
An Education
Allow your mistakes to be an education rather than a failure. Allow it to teach you, motivate you and inspire you. When we allow life to be an education, personal growth is inevitable. Stay stuck on your failures, and you remain. Learn from your mistakes and you embrace your freedom, knowledge and wisdom. Danny G.
A Journey Of Freedom and Growth
Don’t condemn your mistakes. Failures are part of life. Accept you’re a work in progress, on a journey of trial and error. A journey of freedom and personal growth. A journey into your evolution, and the evolution of humanity. Danny G.
Reaching Beyond
When you persistently seek personal growth, there will be mistakes and failures. There will be trial and error. That’s the process of life. For when you reach beyond, new events, circumstances and choices arise. Be easy on yourself, forgive yourself, don’t give in, and never forget how far you’ve come. Danny G.
Your Response is Everything
Do not look at the events and circumstances as an excuse to not move forward and let go. Look at your emotions about the events and circumstances. The events and circumstances are always changing and evolving. The best way to change them is your response to them. Danny G.
All Transitions
Everything is a transition. There is no ending. We grow, we transform and we gain greater self awareness. One season ends and another one begins. There are many transitions within the aging process, but with every transition comes a new transformation and personal growth. Danny G.
Never Permanent
We often fear the long dreary road, and believe it’s permanent. Keep treading the path of imperfection, and soon you’ll realize, the challenge was not for your defeat, but for your own transformation and personal growth. What was once fear and dread is replaced with a new awareness, a new creation that stemmed from your adversities and chaos. Danny G.
Dare to Believe
God speaks to us through thoughts, feelings and experiences. Combined together with action and perseverance, growth is inevitable. At times the guidance comes as intuition or a sign. It may come as inspiration to move forward, or as a recurring experience that prompts us to action. Don’t deny it, don’t suppress it, and when inspiration calls you, dare to believe and persevere. Danny G.