We often fear the long dreary road, and believe it’s permanent. Keep treading the path of imperfection, and soon you’ll realize, the challenge was not for your defeat, but for your own transformation and personal growth. What was once fear and dread is replaced with a new awareness, a new creation that stemmed from your adversities and chaos. Danny G.
Dare to Believe
God speaks to us through thoughts, feelings and experiences. Combined together with action and perseverance, growth is inevitable. At times the guidance comes as intuition or a sign. It may come as inspiration to move forward, or as a recurring experience that prompts us to action. Don’t deny it, don’t suppress it, and when inspiration calls you, dare to believe and persevere. Danny G.
Personal Growth and Freedom
Don’t allow the past to control your present. When we become so consumed with our past and never let go, our past becomes our everyday thoughts and behavior. We live on autopilot never realizing our present can change with a simple twist into self awareness. It starts with a recognition that change is always happening, and it’s up to us to embrace positive change or live based on past conditioning. Embrace the deliberate creator you are, on a journey to personal growth and freedom. Danny G.
The Ideal Path
Imperfections are part of human life. Grow, seek, but never forget that life is full of imperfections. The straight path may not exist, but being the best you, where you are with what you have, is the perfect path to personal growth and transformation. Danny G.
The Inspiration You Are
Life is a perpetual state of spiritual reminders. Every time you are reminded, and you act from the inspiration, you are growing spiritually. Every time you let it slip by, you remain stagnant and complacent. Learn, embrace and become the inspiration you truly are, bound to succeed and thrive. Danny G.
A Calling to Move Forward
You will never have it all figured out. Just on the horizon lies more quests, personal growth and serendipities. Don’t seek to have it all figured out, just take the first step, and then another layer will unfold, and then another and another. When looking back, you will see the perfection in it all, a journey expressed with divinity and a calling to move forward. Danny G.
Take the First Step
Take the first step, and the rest will unfold in its ideal timing. The incompletion keeps you seeking, and striving for greater. Seek the infinite intelligence, the limitless source and he will intervene as you declare it so. Danny G.
No Separation
There is no separation, there is unity, an interconnected species that is meant to thrive together in this physical plane. Whatever you do, do it with God, knowing God has good intentions, and his plans are to include you, and everyone in the expansion of the universe. Danny G.
Personal Growth and Transformation
That yearning and unanswered prayer keeps you striving for greater. You’ll always have another desire to fulfill, a new endeavor or project to undertake. Life is an unending journey of trial and error to your destination. It’s all for your personal growth and transformation. Don’t fight it or condemn it, just allow the divine to reveal the path for greater success. Danny G.
Our Inherent Right
Don’t be a slave to other’s beliefs and expectations. Rules are needed in life, but it’s our inherent right to question, to seek further and to pursue greater. For one that follows merely one set of rules doesn’t grow and evolve. Seek what resonates with your higher self, and then pursue your spiritual evolution. Only then can you be authentic and live your best life now. And only then can you bring something unique to the world. Danny G.