Everything Changes With Time

Everything changes with time. The events, circumstances and conditions of your life are subject to change. Your body is subject to change. There are seasons that have their own lessons and experience to teach. Let change be your friend. Don’t fight it, embrace it and take it as an opportunity to grow and thrive. Danny G. 

Growth and Devotion

God admires growth and devotion. He admires faith and persistence. When we commit ourselves to walking in his ways, he opens doors where we thought there were only barriers. He conspires on our behalf for his perfect will and purpose. Danny G. 

Signs From Our Soul

Growth and our spiritual journey is essentially who we are. When we fight against it, or become complacent, we stunt our inner self and potential within. Expansion comes from listening to our inner guidance and wisdom. Expansion comes from recognizing our growth, and being receptive to the signs from our soul. It means being open minded and seeking inward while knowing there’s an infinite and limitless intelligence calling us forth. Danny G. 

It’s Never Indefinite

Give yourself a breath every once in a while. It’s ok to be still and ponder in the wilderness. It’s ok to feel sad at times beyond reason. It’s ok to feel grief at times that seems to never cease. The only mistake is never moving beyond them. The only mistake is not learning and growing from them. Feel it, then move on and be the best version of you. Danny G. 

The Gift Of Aging

Never curse your age, for many do not get to see the wrinkles on their face. Many do not see the wisdom you grow into. And many do not see the trials and success that brought you through the journey of age. Therefore, bless aging and honor it, and know there’s a reason for every season, and there’s a reason for every destination. Danny G. 

A Spiritual Reminder

Allow your mistakes to be lessons for growth and healing. Your mistakes shouldn’t be a reason to punish yourself, or belittle yourself. Its only purpose is for expansion and your spiritual journey. Allow your mistakes to be a remembrance of your potential and a reminder for expansion and healing. Danny G. 


We’re on this physical plane for our personal growth and evolution. Even though we still fall from time to time, prevailing determines our success, not failure. Our success is not determined by the number of times we fall, but by the number of times we overcome, conquer and triumphed. Danny G. 

Following the Soul

You feel safe and comfortable standing still. In fact you can stand still indefinitely. But true masters know that standing still doesn’t produce any change and progress. True masters are aware that growth is what they are, and it’s what humanity is. They choose what their soul chooses which is personal growth and fulfillment for themselves and for the evolution of humanity. Danny G. 

Alignment With the Divinity You Are

Place your beliefs, expectations and truths before you. See if they align with the God or Goddess you are. If they do, pursue them wholeheartedly. If they don’t, understand their origin, underlying cause and effect, and continually work to improve them. In time you’ll become the essence of your thoughts and feelings, and in alignment with the divinity you are. Danny G. 


Same thoughts and same emotions lead to yesterdays, and no change. Growth and change results from being mindful of your thoughts, emotions and to consistently change them into something authentic, unique and new. When you master this, every moment is a new creation with the divine, as you unleash the greater you, your potential and power. Danny G.