Ponder a subject long enough and you’ll create its very existence. For whatever you give perpetual great emotion, the manifestation begins. You can stop anything from occurring if you simply change your focus, and release pessimism, fears and dread. When you focus on a brighter outcome with perpetual faith and joy, the manifestation begins. Focus on it long enough, and you’ll create the very essence of your intention and desire. Danny G.
Being Optimistic
There’s always a bright side to the story no matter how difficult or chaotic your world may seem. You must find a way to focus on the optimistic story rather than the pessimistic story. Perception is in the eye of the beholder. Just ensure you choose a happy ending with a meaningful and purposeful journey. Danny G.
Appreciation the Answer
Why is gratitude and appreciation the answer? Because when you’re grateful and appreciative of your life, you’re in a positive frame of mind. When you’re in a positive frame of mind, you’re receptive to all the good that can come. Gratitude and appreciation only brings happiness, inner peace, and success, while pessimism only brings sadness and misery. When you’re appreciative of you, you’re only doing yourself a favor, and you don’t feel the exhaustion and sickness that pessimism brings. Danny G.
Focusing on the Right Things
Why do people break down and collapse? Because they’ve been focusing on the negative for far too long, and they can no longer contain themselves. After being pessimistic for a while, we act on autopilot without recognizing it. We believe it’s our reality, and we believe the reality controls us, and we give it our power. These thoughts spill out with words and behavior and then the inevitable happens, we collapse. If you want to avoid breaking down, start now, renew your spirit, youth and vitality, and you’ll avoid the inevitable collapse. Then you’ll say this is my reality, and this is my power, and my inevitable creation. Danny G.
Choose Optimism
Unhappiness is dissatisfaction with the present. It’s dissatisfaction with where you are, and what comes next. It’s a mind bombarded with fears, pessimism, and bitterness. Unhappiness always sees the worst despite all the good standing next to it. It’s a stream of affirmations contrary to happiness. It’s everything you’re not, and it’s going against the natural stream of life. If you want to be happy, listen to your inner dialogue, and change your perspective, choose optimism, not pessimism. Danny G.
Choose Wisely
Actions have either positive rewards or negative consequences. Our loving father, God, would much rather you get the rewards then the negative consequences through your poor choices. If you don’t pay any attention to your thoughts or actions, you will end up living a lie, which is essentially, a life of many troubles. If you’re pessimistic, persistently fearful or you behave carelessly, you will face the consequences, not because God loves you any less, but because God gave you the gift of free will, and you chose poorly. God is a spirit of love and compassion, and anything other than this definition, is not from him. You are an extension of God through the unique soul that you are. Anything that is not love is not who you are. Your soul chooses God and compassion, not the choices that would steer you off your divine path. Danny G.
Choices That Lead Us Back Home
We all have unique gifts and talents to achieve our purpose, and most importantly to be happy. Everything we want, we want it for one reason, to be happy. We can say essentially it’s happiness leading us, because whenever we want something, it’s because we believe it will bring us joy.
The problem lies when we focus so much on the chaotic world, and our own distress. We focus on it until we lose our alignment, then we allow our thoughts of pessimism to consume us. Optimism and pessimism sets the course for our life, as it’s a choice, which sets things into motion, for our well-being or lack. Being fortunate or unfortunate, is a choice, and perception changes everything. Faith, joy, dread, and fear are all choices, defining who we are, and ultimately setting the stage for the arrival.
The choice is ours to our awaken, as pessimism and optimism fights to win its course. Choose joy, which sparks the flame, and ultimately leads you back home. Danny G.
Is the World Getting Worse or Better?
We hear about the pessimists who say the world is getting worse, our lives are deteriorating, and there’s much more cruelty in the world. Look at these facts and decide for yourself if you want to be the pessimist or the optimist.
There has been a significant decrease in global war and deaths from 1945 to 2011. From 1945 to 2011 the global death rate has declined from 22 per 100,000 to 0.3 per 100,000. There has been a tremendous decrease in poverty over the past couple centuries. In 1820, there was 1 billion people who lived in extreme poverty. As of 2015, there was 705 million people who lived in extreme poverty. Consider the fact that the population has increased by approximately 6 billion people since 1820, and the number of poverty cases still decreased. Since 1900, the global life expectancy has more than doubled. Our medicines have improved substantially and our overall medical system has upgraded significantly.
Overall, is the world getting worse or better? Do you want to be the pessimist who sees the worse in everything? Or do you want to be the optimist who says, the universe is always progressing and expanding for the ultimate well-being of humanity. The crucial factor is how we perceive it. Danny G.
Look Within
Have you ever heard of someone who’s always grumpy, complaining, and pessimistic about life? Can he have a fabulous life? Even if he did have a fabulous life, he wouldn’t recognize it, therefore, he wouldn’t be happy. Do you want to be the bitter pessimistic person, or do you want to be the optimistic, and appreciative survivor? A sour outlook on life will never get you anywhere. Be the person who says I’m going to be positive and grateful despite negative circumstances or conditions. Danny G.
Being the Optimist
Everything we say and do has an impact on people and humanity, so my question is, would you rather be the optimistic person who makes a positive difference in the world? Or would you rather be the pessimistic person who prejudges, and deceives people? Danny G.