Is the World Getting Worse or Better?

We hear about the pessimists who say the world is getting worse, our lives are deteriorating, and there’s much more cruelty in the world. Look at these facts and decide for yourself if you want to be the pessimist or the optimist.

There has been a significant decrease in global war and deaths from 1945 to 2011. From 1945 to 2011 the global death rate has declined from 22 per 100,000 to 0.3 per 100,000. There has been a tremendous decrease in poverty over the past couple centuries. In 1820, there was 1 billion people who lived in extreme poverty. As of 2015, there was 705 million people who lived in extreme poverty. Consider the fact that the population has increased by approximately 6 billion people since 1820, and the number of poverty cases still decreased. Since 1900, the global life expectancy has more than doubled. Our medicines have improved substantially and our overall medical system has upgraded significantly.

Overall, is the world getting worse or better? Do you want to be the pessimist who sees the worse in everything? Or do you want to be the optimist who says, the universe is always progressing and expanding for the ultimate well-being of humanity. The crucial factor is how we perceive it. Danny G.

Look Within

Have you ever heard of someone who’s always grumpy, complaining, and pessimistic about life? Can he have a fabulous life? Even if he did have a fabulous life, he wouldn’t recognize it, therefore, he wouldn’t be happy. Do you want to be the bitter pessimistic person, or do you want to be the optimistic, and appreciative survivor? A sour outlook on life will never get you anywhere. Be the person who says I’m going to be positive and grateful despite negative circumstances or conditions. Danny G.

Being the Optimist

Everything we say and do has an impact on people and humanity, so my question is, would you rather be the optimistic person who makes a positive difference in the world? Or would you rather be the pessimistic person who prejudges, and deceives people? Danny G.