The Power Of Words

Words can either be optimistic or pessimistic. Everyone has the power of words within them. Be proactive rather than passive, for words can either break you or make you. Learn to use them for your greater good, and the greater good of humanity. Danny G. 

Productivity and Success

Instead of focusing all your energy towards doom and gloom, focus on the deliberate creator you are. Focus on reaching the top of the mountain, the breakthrough and the achievements that were birthed within you. You can be productive the right way, or you can focus on the worst case scenario. Everyday is a new opportunity for productivity and success. Danny G. 

Judgment and Self Awareness

Judgment is different from self awareness. Judgment comes from a space of pessimism or bitterness. Self awareness comes from a space of personal growth. Learn to decipher the two, because judgment creates condemnation and self awareness creates expansion. Danny G. 

Our Ultimate Free Will

Our freedom of choice allows us to express ourselves in whichever way we choose. Freedom can mean anger, bitterness and pessimism, or it can mean compassion, peace and faith. We are the creators in this physical plane. Nobody is creating for us, nor do they have a hold on us. We create that hold by believing an external source has the final say. God gave us the final say through free will, and now it’s up to us to create a greater world and a greater humanity. Danny G. 

The Right Motivator

At times fear can be a motivator, but constant fear brings pessimism and exhaustion. Allow your motivator to be peace, stillness and tranquility. From this space, you are much more productive and insightful. From this space you replenish and rejuvenate your soul. Danny G. 

The Bright Soaring Light

Do not let the corruption turn you bitter or pessimistic, nor let the trickery fool you into dismay. Do not let others blind you of your truth and mission, and allow yourself to dream despite the others losing hope. Keep your head high above the nightly sky, humbled with perseverance to see its flight. In time, you will see your breakthrough, right above the bright soaring light. Danny G. 

A Safe Path

Every great leader has been through dark nights and valleys. Don’t allow the adversities to turn you bitter or pessimistic. The dark nights are meant to transform you, and cause you to prosper. Within the valleys lies a safe path that will lead you to your destination and triumph. Danny G. 

The Powerful Creator

The thought has no power over you unless you empower the thought. You empower the thought by giving in to fear, pessimism and bitterness. You can also empower the thought by practicing wisdom, faith and love. Whatever you empower, you give life to. You are a powerful creator in the jungles of time and space. Realize the power of your thoughts, and the deliberate creator you are. Danny G. 

The Power Of Faith and Optimism

Do not resist negative emotions. Embrace the negativity for what it is, a reminder to be more faithful, positive and optimistic. Every time you return to that spirit of faith and optimism, you change the course in your favor. You don’t allow pessimism to rule your mind, you are reminded of the power of your thoughts and the power of your faith and optimism. Danny G. 

Perspective and a Choice

Don’t allow the dysfunction to turn you bitter or pessimistic, for dysfunction is a perspective and a choice. We can take the dysfunction, and feed our anger, or we can create in the midst of chaos and havoc. There can be stillness within the chaos, havoc or dysfunction. It’s a matter of perception and finding clarity within the storm. Finding clarity within the storm means letting go, embracing mindfulness, and embracing the deliberate creator you’re born to be. Danny G.