Your inner dialogue becomes your reality. Repeat something often enough, and you become the essence of it. You can repeat the negative or positive, the lack or abundance. The choice is up to you. Repeat who you truly are, a divine being, destined to triumph. Danny G.
Claim What’s Yours
Learn to adapt to change, for life is a perpetual process of change and growth. Let change be your friend, not your enemy, for change is what allows you to expand for the evolution of humanity. When you allow change to be your friend, the chaos or havoc around you won’t turn you bitter and pessimistic. You’ll create from the unknown, and you’ll claim what’s yours through unwavering faith and persistence. Danny G.
Become Self Aware
Whenever your mind drifts into pessimism and fears, become self aware, practice mindfulness and listen to your inner dialogue. Listen to what the emotion teaches you. Embrace the feeling, don’t resist it, and return to that inner knowing, that inner guidance, and victor mindset, to take you back home. Danny G.
Be Your Motivation
Motivation is a choice. You can choose lack, scarcity, pessimism, or you can create your own motivation and inspiration. Motivation increases productivity, health and happiness, while lack of it causes boredom and complacency. You are the master of the ship guiding your vessel with motivation and a fierce determination to follow through. Don’t allow life or the adversity to choose for you, be your own source of motivation and inspiration and act on it. Danny G.
Allow Faith
Faith and pessimism are a perception of reality. Perception can change by seeking wisdom, enlightenment and inspiration. Pessimism is the opposite of faith where one predicts the worst outcome, or the worst case scenario. Reality is defined by perception and perception changes reality. Choose faith over pessimism and allow faith to lead the way. Danny G.
The Right Motivation
Are you motivated by fear or faith? Fear perceives the worst case scenario, and all the ugliness in the world. Faith lets peace be the empire while trusting source, the ultimate provider. With faith, all things are possible, and everything is within our reach. Danny G.
The Process Of Transformation
You can always reject what doesn’t serve you, or what no longer serves you. Don’t be confined to a cage with misconceptions, pessimism and fears. Learn to let go and let wisdom and love rule your heart and soul. You’re always in the process of transformation, and letting go is the best means of bringing in more good and releasing the old. Danny G.
Entertain the Right Thoughts
Don’t feed the anger. Don’t feed the pessimism. And don’t feed the bitterness. Feed those emotions that cause enlightenment, wisdom and inspiration. Feed those emotions that cause compassion and acceptance. Feed the feelings of abundance and prosperity. Learn to entertain the right thoughts, and let go of the rest. Danny G.
Retell the Story
Notice if the story you’re telling yourself is causing pessimism and bitterness. Our inner dialogue can create assumptions and delusions. Recognize that feeling, and return to wellness and self reliance. Retell the story the way you see it through the eyes of source, and through your unique and authentic perspective and will. Danny G.
Destined to Thrive
You always have two choices. It’s either optimism or pessimism. It’s either faith or fear. It’s either bitterness or compassion. You can remain stuck in the realm of negativity or you can embrace who you truly are, a being of light, destined to thrive. Danny G.