Intention is everything. You can intend health, happiness and success, or you can intend sickness, pessimism and failure. Whatever is at the forefront of your mind appears as experience and insight waiting to be discovered. Tap into this potential of intention creation, and intend the very best for your life and humanity. Danny G.
Focus on Your Victory
You can dread the future, focus on pessimism and fears, or you can focus on the journey getting easier and easier. Whatever you focus on, you perpetuate. It’s your choice as you carve the path before you. Nobody is carving it for you, so be the master, declare things are getting easier and easier, and focus on your victory, not the defeat. Danny G.
Step Out And Step In
Step out of the confusion created by your mind. Step out of the pessimism created by your mind. And step out of the bitterness and fear created by your mind. All these negative emotions are self created, and it’s your reaction to environments and circumstances that defines everything. When you step out, you allow God to reveal his insights and wisdom, and you allow yourself to experience true clarity of mind. Living from this space is the way of the true masters. Living this way is the path to enlightenment and growth. All power is from within, and when you seek within, anything is possible. Danny G.
Mastery Over Emotion
You are the master of your inner dialogue and inner guidance. Don’t fall prey to pessimism, bitterness and fears. Refocus your inner dialogue into self empowerment and faith. Listen to your guidance within and you’ll discover all your answers, and solutions. Dreams are inevitable through faith and persistence. Danny G.
Art Of Thinking
Just as negative thinking can latch and have a hold on you, so can positive thinking latch on your side. Master the art of optimism and faith, and you’ll master life. For every thought is either of pessimism or optimism, and lack or faith. Practice the art of thinking and you’ll experience true joy and fulfillment. Danny G.
Optimism Faith and Gratitude
Optimism, faith and gratitude gives you strength and perseverance. Pessimism, fears and bitterness weakens you and steals from you. Therefore, be conscientious about your thoughts, words and deeds, and allow them to be an expression of who you truly are, and of what you claim to be. Danny G.
Faith or Fear
You have two choices, faith or fear. Whatever you choose has powerful creation within them. Fear is pessimism about the future, and faith is optimism about the future. Faith or fear is a choice, although you may not be able to resist it at all times, you can always declare your faith, speak about it, and act on it. Danny G.
Always A Solution
Would God, the one who created the universe and is the universe, not have every answer and solution to your every concern? Would the infinite intelligence not have the capability and power to bring about your greatest desires? You block this power by giving in to fear, pessimism and bitterness, and you allow this power when you act out of faith, love and wisdom. Danny G.
Peace in the Chaos
Learn to be at peace despite the chaos or havoc of the world. Don’t allow it to turn you bitter or pessimistic. Be a light to the world in dark valleys. Let your gifts shine for a brighter humanity and a peaceful world. Danny G.
Conquer and Thrive
Replace darkness with light, by affirming the divinity you are. Replace pessimism with optimism, by letting go of attachment and allowing the good. Affirm the divine source you are, your power, and self control to conquer and thrive. Danny G.