The Greatest Unknown

You’re scared of believing a new philosophy. You’re scared of letting go of the old. Whatever has been passed down to you, you hold onto it relentlessly. Don’t be scared of the unknown, for out of the unknown lies your greatest vantage point to create anew. Danny G. 


If there is no contrast, we cannot create, for what does one perspective create? Growth and expansion comes from many perspectives and philosophies. Everyone has their place in the world and their unique contributions. The goal shouldn’t be to avoid contrast or try to eliminate it. It should be to live harmoniously with one another, and co-create to create a greater humanity. Danny G. 

Managing Your Mental Health

What are mental health challenges? We’re all emotional beings who have feelings. Mental illness is not managing your emotions or never confronting them until they spiral out of control. Somebody once told me that mental illness is caused merely by conditions, environment and circumstances. I’m not going to argue with that statement by saying it has no impact on our health. However, saying our condition is merely a chemical imbalance or a poor upbringing is saying the illness and environment is controlling us. With this mindset we are powerless and weak. Do you want to be tossed and turned by the conditions in your life, or do you want to say I’m in control, I define myself and I determine my life and future? 

When we don’t manage our finances, we become broke and in debt. Same applies when we leave our troublesome thoughts on the back burner until disaster hits. Eventually one of the links break. 

Managing your mental health means practicing self care. Practicing self care means quieting your mind, changing your inner dialogue and finding purpose in your life. Quieting the mind can be done through meditation, a walk in nature or yoga. 

Changing your inner dialogue is listening to your thoughts, understanding their depth and reason for being. It’s easier to change your thoughts when you can identify them. It’s refocusing your thoughts into what you wish to create. It’s focusing on productivity and optimism rather than the negative dialogue.

Finding purpose in your life is following your passion, your zest for life and gifting. It’s following your inspiration and inner guidance. When we have purpose in our life, and we’re of service to others, we feel greater satisfaction. 

Greater satisfaction, finding purpose and following your intuition all contributes to your overall mental health and happiness. And happiness is key to greater health. 

Open Mindedness

Be open minded to others’ philosophies and beliefs. Everyone has their truth, and yours doesn’t make theirs wrong. They’re simply creating their lives through their beliefs, and you’re creating your life with your beliefs. It’s not about what is right or wrong, it’s simply about which thoughts resonate with your soul. It’s about which thoughts allow you to be the best version of you, and be truly fulfilled. Danny G. 

Set Your Own Standard (Blog Article)

Your Best is Good Enough

So many times we have a standard in our mind of how we are to be, or what we are to do, and when we don’t measure up, we sabotage ourselves through guilt, condemnation, and bitterness. We create our own standards of how to live, and succeed, but everybody has their own standards. The question remains which is the right path? We all have our own journey, and obstacles, so the standard should be following authenticity and our destiny.

The most important element is being the best we can be through thought, word, and deed. That’s the only control we’ll ever have, and the only control we’re given in this reality through the divinity we are.  

Our intentions and motives are stuck on the image we’ve projected through domestication. It’s what we learned throughout the years of how we are to be. Some works for our benefit, and some hinders us. If it’s empowering, inspiring, or it gives us joy, that’s the right standard for us. If we feel guilt, condemnation and bitterness, we are not operating under the right motives. If you’re full of negative emotion, what good can you do? Can you uplift? Can you inspire? Can you motivate? These negative emotions only zaps our energy and strength. 

All wisdom comes from a state of peace, love, joy, and whatever emotion contradicts this, is not of God. Everyone on this planet is struggling with something, and often it’s these challenges which stretch our boundaries and limitations. If life is perfect, we are perfect, and we fulfilled our every dream, there’s nothing else to work towards, and achieve. Sometimes the thorn is what stretches our faith unto uncharted territory into the unknown. It’s what allows us to keep seeking growth, and success. 

If the thorn aggravates you to a point where you sink into a pit where escape seems impossible, then you’re allowing the thorn to hold you back. If you feel at peace despite the thorn, while no longer allowing it to cause aggravation, you allow it to make you stronger, and full of faith. 

Let the thorn do what’s it’s supposed to do if you cannot find a means of letting it go yet. In time when the work is fulfilled, you’ll begin to ignore it, then it loses its power, and strength. You’ll set a new standard for yourself with new dreams where the thorn loses its hold on you. 

That’s when you realize what true freedom is and that’s when you realize you are the master of the ship destined to create your own mission and happiness. 

Manifesting Your Desires

What blocks your desires other than your beliefs and expectations they cannot be achieved? Many will focus on all the worst case scenarios and create the essence of their thoughts and emotions. The more negative emotion you give, the more power you give to a negative outcome. 

On the contrary, what happens when someone really wants to achieve a dream? He focuses on it, and if he’s wise he’ll take action steps to his dreams. He’ll speak as if it’s already happened and he’ll take whatever steps he needs to get there, because he believes in the dream. 

If someone doesn’t believe in the dream or doesn’t make an effort to believe, will he plan for it and take action steps to achieve it? At one point there has to be a belief, or else he won’t pursue it or he’ll just give up. 

Sometimes you have to fake it until you make it, and convince yourself it’s attainable. Convince yourself that the divine dwells inside you, that you’re worthy, and God only wants the very best for you. Convince yourself of all the great minds that ever existed and what they accomplished. What do they have that you don’t? They all originated from the divine. They have a body, mind and soul like you. The only difference is they mastered their mind, they mastered their emotions, and they had unwavering faith it could be done. They persisted and persevered to their vision. 

However, keep in mind, there’s a fine line between wanting, believing and desperation. Desperation says if I don’t get this thing I want, I will be unhappy. With this frame of mind, you will be tossed around every time a desire isn’t fulfilled and sooner or later you’ll give up, stop believing, or become bitter. 

The best means of achieving your desires is to be at peace with the moment, to be satisfied with what you currently have, and to be grateful where you currently stand. Be at peace regardless of the outcome, but also focus on your desires as if they were already achieved. When you focus on your desires as if they’re already achieved, there is no separation between the fulfillment of your desire and how you feel. That’s when you become a match to whatever it is you want. 

Would it make sense to think negative all day and get the best that life has to offer? Would it make sense to not care about life and make no effort and get everything you desire? We can say the law works in your favor because regardless of the outcome, you’ll remain happy and at peace with life. In essence life is fair, and exactly the way it’s supposed to be. Repeat that and let it become the essence of your beliefs and expectations. 

Speak to Your Adversity (Blog Article)

Often when challenges arise, we focus on it so much, we give it all our attention, thereby creating more of the same reality or worse. The more we focus on it, believe it, and expect it, we attract it into our life. By the perpetuation of our negative thinking, we cannot find a means of escape, and we dwell only on other’s perspectives. We give someone our power, and give up all together.

Whatever man thought was impossible, at one point man surprised us and achieved the impossible. So why dwell on can’t dos when we have the evidence in front of us that it can be done? Because we get tired, we become immersed in our challenges and pain, thinking about it so much it creates more of the same reality. We start to accept others’ opinions that’s it’s too difficult or impossible, and we lose our power. 

The only power we have is from within through our thoughts, words, and actions. By our reaction we change everything, including the events and circumstances in our life. We can choose to react in faith or pessimism which is an act of fear. Pessimism says it cannot be done. Pessimism says there’s no hope. There’s only two choices, one says I can do it, the other voice of pessimism focuses on all the worst outcomes in life. 

The more we focus on can dos, the more we focus on possibility and faith. The more we focus on possibility and faith the more we act on our beliefs and speak about our beliefs. The more we change our beliefs over time, the more we grow and don’t remain stagnant. 

Changing our beliefs starts by going beyond what others say and seeking within. Seeking within says I have my own intuition and I don’t need others to tell me what I can or cannot do. I can set the course and choose my destiny.

Be Intentional

Your present self is a reflection of your passed thoughts, words, and actions. To create a new you and a better life, you must focus your energy inward and rewrite your current beliefs and philosophies. You cannot create new with the old information, nor can you have much improvements from remaining with the old self. Therefore, be intentional, and rework your newly desired thought. Rework it so much, that it becomes your new reality, and success. Plan for it, hope for it, and speak about it, until it becomes your new life story and triumph. Danny G.

The Leader and Teacher

We struggle to accept new beliefs and philosophies, as we hold on to the old, not knowing it’s time to change. Old beliefs become ingrained as we act on autopilot perpetuating the past. The true leader and teacher says, I can set a new goal and achieve what wasn’t thought before. I don’t need others to set the course, as I can choose my own path and ultimately change humanity. Danny G.

Perpetual Growth

Circumstances and experiences change over time, therefore, further explanation and insight is needed. Life is an ongoing motion of perpetual growth and evolution. How did the court of law change over time? How did technology progress over time? How did we evolve collectively? There is no end to evolution, as it’s simply a continuous unfolding to grow collectively and as individuals. The most important element is to look back on how far we’ve come, and to know that expansion is inevitable. Danny G.