People judge others by a status or a title. God judges by your heart. Danny G.
Always in Control
Though you may get belittled. Though you may get judged. Though you may get overlooked. One thing they cannot do is change your thinking. You’ll always have control over your thoughts and emotions. And changing your thinking is what turns a setback into a success story. Danny G.
Without the Need for Superiority
Assigning superiority to a gender is denying what creates humanity and evolution. It creates conflict and dominance. It’s a cycle that won’t end until equality is achieved, and we realize everyone has a place without the need for superiority. Danny G.
Quote for Today
Forgiveness is letting go of negative attachments and choosing compassion over judgment, and forgiveness over revenge. Danny G.
Being Open Minded
Be open minded as you tread your path in the world. Contrast is needed for evolution and humanity. Don’t fight against it, stand your ground while accepting and appreciating uniqueness and individuality. Conflict is created by prejudice and assumptions. Be the leader who chooses peace over strife. Danny G.
True Love and Acceptance
What is loyalty? We protect our loved ones, feel sympathy for them, and stand by their side, completely understanding their truth as we make it our own. We feel anger and bitterness towards the perpetrator, not considering everyone has their own story and reason for being. Everyone has weaknesses and flaws but we do little to accept them, not considering our own. Sometimes anger and bitterness feels better, so we tread the path, and create more anger and bitterness in our lives. True love and acceptance is knowing everyone has their own journey and reason for being. True love and acceptance is knowing we walk an imperfect path in an imperfect world. True love and acceptance is knowing sometimes atrocities and prejudice turns people cold, and they never recover. True love and acceptance is loving despite it all, not condoning, but realizing we all come from the same source. True love is realizing we all originate from the divine, and we’re all Gods and Goddesses in human form. It’s realizing the God within us would act out of love, not malice towards all heavenly beings. Danny G.
Wisdom Is Acceptance
We prejudge what we don’t understand and that which we cannot find an explanation. We assume we have someone figured out, simply from an observation and belief. The true gift of wisdom is awareness everybody has a story and a reason for being. The true gift of wisdom is seeing the gifts in a person despite all their flaws. The true gift of wisdom is seeing the potential of who they can become. Danny G.
Judging on the Inner Man
We analyze and judge people based on external and superficial matters that are irrelevant to who they are. We think we have someone figured out, yet we know nothing about their history, and reason for being. Let’s judge people on their inner self, not egotistical matters that doesn’t define who they are. Danny G.
The Noble Man
The noble man is the one who acknowledges and appreciates people despite them having a title or wealth to their name. He acknowledges and appreciates people for who they are, not for appearance or status. The title means nothing for him, for he knows everything physical passes away with time. He knows the soul is eternal, and he knows the soul defines who they truly are, not physical appearance or luxury, which is irrelevant to who we are. Danny G.
Focusing On What Truly Matters
Most people don’t have any issues talking to a man in a suit, however, if they come across a homeless man, they completely ignore them. Who needs acceptance more than the other? The homeless man or the wealthy man?
Danny G.