If you would see your value, purpose and significance, you would never abuse your body through chemicals that only cause you harm. See the potential within you. Don’t waste it, know you are loved, and you’ll bring out the best you for the rest of the world. Danny G.
Joy is Our Reason For Being
Appreciate where you are today and everything you achieved despite the odds being against you. Acknowledge your progress and everything you’ve done to get to this present moment. Live in the moment while anticipating good things for the future without thinking you need to be somewhere else. Joy is our reason for being, and joy is always within us asking us to seek inward. Danny G.
The Reason for the Void
That void inside you exists for a reason. You can choose to avoid it, or you can fill it with toxins, and chemicals which only harm your body. You can be productive with it, replace it with a purpose, mission and passion. The void is asking you to seek within. Once you seek within instead of being overly consumed with the external, you’ll know its reason for being for you and all the lives you touch. Danny G.
Your Greatest Life
Your life purpose is to be happy. Your life purpose is freedom and exploration. Seek joy, the present moment and know you’re free to become who you want to be. You’re free for whatever mission you choose to be. Combine wisdom with exploration and you’ll live your greatest life. Danny G.
Your Genuine Song
Those coincidences and serendipities all happen for your greater good and evolution. Don’t undermine the God or Goddess you are. Be open minded, and the world will mirror back your genuine song. Danny G.
Create With Purpose
You can say you’re here for ordinary or you can say you’re here for extraordinary. Whatever you say defines who you are and what comes next. Nobody is here for mediocrity. Everyone is unique. Find what resonates with you, your true calling. That’s what it means to be authentic and create with purpose. Danny G.
Every Milestone
Sit with your past self. Tell him how far he’s come. Tell him the hardships were created for a purpose, and there’s meaning within every milestone. Tell him there were lessons within each adversity. Tell him it will all be ok in the end. Tell him this is my declaration and so shall it be. Danny G.
You Control the Destination
Declare this adversity is for a greater purpose. Your only role is being your best where you are, with what you have. The adversity can be a blessing or a curse, as it’s all in your perception of the challenge. Create a blessing, not a curse. You’re in control of your destination, as you mold the clay and make it your own. Danny G.
A Lesson and Mission
We are students of our own soul, discovering the spirit in us that transcends all understanding. We must learn to listen to our soul, embrace it for what is is, a lesson, and a mission to our calling and purpose. Danny G.
Calling Purpose and Fulfillment
The universe yearns for your communication, compassion and unity. Tap into the infinite intelligence by stillness, tranquility and inner peace. God is difficult to hear when your mind is chaotic or confused. Quiet down, listen, be your authentic and unique self, and the universe will support you with your true calling, purpose and fulfillment. Danny G.