The Blessings Of Aging

Not accepting aging is not accepting the inevitable perpetuation of life. Life has many seasons, and every season has a purpose within, if you simply listen. Aging is inevitable but declining is optional. The best means of accepting aging is embracing the wisdom, peace of mind, and prosperity that comes with age. Danny G. 

Driving Force to Greater Success

What are you, void, that keeps on appearing from time to time unexpectedly? Are you meant to be fulfilled, or are you a driving force to keep me focused and full of faith? Are you part of the plan? Whatever you are, I accept you, I embrace you, and I allow you to be exactly what you’re meant to be, a driving force to greater success. Danny G. 

Your Passion

Find a passion that lifts your spirit, and that calls you to action. Whatever you do, it should be an expression of who you truly are. Whenever you pursue your passion, you should feel in alignment with the divine, in complete balance and harmony with your unique purpose and mission. Danny G. 

It’s Rightfully Yours

When it’s your calling and purpose, nothing can prevent its course. You can call it God’s will or your creation with the divine, but know whatever is destined to be, will come to fruition at the ideal timing. Stay strong, and boldly declare what’s rightfully yours. Danny G. 

The Gift Of Wisdom

Wisdom quiets the mind, reflects and contemplates. Wisdom doesn’t act on anger and it doesn’t give in to opposition. Wisdom knows everything will be provided at the ideal time to thrive, and it knows the universe conspires on its behalf for its unique purpose. Danny G. 

Success and Happiness

When your thoughts are scattered, and you feel overwhelmed beyond belief, allow the stimulation to lead you to greater joy and purpose. Don’t allow the overwhelming thoughts to consume you and confuse you. Let it catapult you to greater success, and happiness. Danny G. 

Simply Listen

Everything in the universe has a purpose if you simply listen. Listen to your inner voice and cut out all distractions from external sources. The divine dwells inside you at all times, so don’t be afraid, call to him in your darkest hours, and he will intervene and cause you to overcome. Danny G.

Walking Steadfastly

Everything you need will be provided at the right time. Don’t fret the future, enjoy the present, make memories, and walk steadfastly to your dream and purpose. Stop trying to figure it all out  since the divine works in miraculous ways, and his ways are infinite and limitless for his perfect will and purpose. Trust the process, and find all the strength you can muster up. When you believe and don’t give in, he will intervene for your greatest good and fulfillment. Danny G. 

Newfound Mission

Let spiritual growth be your newfound mission. Our spiritual journey is the very purpose of being and living. When we negate personal growth, life becomes stagnant and tedious with no end results. Therefore, seek inward, and you’ll realize the journey within, is what springs forth all triumph. Danny G.  

Purpose Of Being

Don’t be so destination oriented that you forget to enjoy the journey. The journey is the purpose for being. The journey is the purpose for growth. The journey is the purpose to remember your true potential, and what you came forth to be. Danny G.