Your Purpose and Calling

You find yourself and your purpose by being noble, honest and showing integrity. 

You find yourself and your purpose by giving as much as receiving. 

You find yourself and your purpose by forgiving despite the anger simmering underneath. 

You find yourself and your purpose by listening as much as teaching. 

You find yourself and your purpose by loving your opponent despite the chaos he created. 

You find yourself and your purpose by pausing to think, rather than give in. 

You find yourself and your purpose by seeing the beauty in the mundane. 

You find yourself and your purpose by looking at defeat, and calling it a beginning.

You find yourself and your purpose by looking at the degraded, and calling them winners. 

You find yourself and your purpose by being content when it’s not your success.

You find yourself and your purpose by showing humility rather than pride.

You find yourself and your purpose by seeking growth, which is essentially who you are. 

And you lose yourself by being everything you’re not, and failing to realize who you are. 

Danny G.

Divine Purpose

You chose this mountain because climbing it would spring forth the most miraculous sunset among the greatest sky. You chose this mountain because the end product resonated with your very core. And you knew if you persisted, the victory was inevitable and breathtaking to say the least. Danny G.


Embrace the past with love in your heart, and embrace the growth it brought forth today. All the turns, detours, and failures together, created the journey and purpose today. Forgive yourself, and release all guilt. For acceptance or guilt creates health or sickness. Don’t forget your destiny awaits for your simple pleasure, purpose and creation. And don’t forget to honor the long road home that brought you the journey. Danny G.

Being Optimistic

There’s always a bright side to the story no matter how difficult or chaotic your world may seem. You must find a way to focus on the optimistic story rather than the pessimistic story. Perception is in the eye of the beholder. Just ensure you choose a happy ending with a meaningful and purposeful journey. Danny G.

Infinite and Limitless

Feeling weak or inferior is your inability to see yourself through God’s loving eyes. For if you knew the God and Goddess that you are, you would never feel weak. You would know the very power that created the universe dwells inside you at all times. This same power would never abandon you, as it dwells inside you infinitely and his powers are limitless and effortless, for his perfect will and purpose. Danny G.

The Ultimate Purpose

He asked him, “why is our spiritual evolution so important?” Because if we all sought our higher self, nobody would act malicious or cruel to one another. If we all acted like God, nobody would be vengeful or bitter towards others. We would see others with the love that God sees in us, and this love would be contagious to all the lives we touch. We would know that our spiritual evolution gives us purpose, ultimately to live peacefully and harmoniously with one another. Danny G.

Your Power and Origin

You fail to care for yourself because you see yourself as unworthy and undeserving. You see yourself as frail, powerless, while allowing others to diminish your value. Understanding your power and origin is your very purpose of living, and you allowed others’ misalignment to convince you of everything you’re not. Accept you’re a work in progress bound to know yourself better, and accept you’re a work in progress bound to explore your origin and reason for being. Take a step back and realize your power is through the infinity that you are, not from others’ misconceptions, of who they think you are. Danny G.

The Path Was Always There

You can walk in circles for a lifetime never getting anywhere but listening to the sound of your footsteps beneath the rain. Or you can step boldly on your path, knowing with complete awareness, the path was always there. It always was, you simply needed a push to reveal your purpose, and lifelong dream. Danny G.

Perception Means Everything

It is only the mind preventing us from growing older gracefully. It is only the mind preventing us from healing gracefully time and time again. It is only the mind preventing us from going further than we ever imagined. Some people spend a lifetime denying these statements. Some people devote their lives to these truths. The ones who devote their lives to these teachings are the ones who live in possibilities and faith. With possibility and faith, miracles unleash for our divine purpose and destiny. Danny G.

Regain Your Power

Don’t allow someone’s misalignment to dull your sparkle, and lose your purpose. When you allow someone’s misalignment to steer you off course, you’re depending on something outside yourself, and you don’t seek within. Depend on you, and don’t allow someone’s opinion to override yours. Know your value, regain your power, and know with complete awareness, you always write the script. Danny G.