Constant Motion Forward

I remain focused on the sandy shore at the forefront view, while the path presents itself, day by day. When I look back, uneasiness sets in like a strong feeling in my gut, not to break. While all forces pull me forward, I know there’s an invisible source, carving the way. I know this invisible source is working it out in my favor, and I know it’s destined to be my will, purpose and dream. Danny G.

Declare Yourself and Seek Within

You put all your worth in another’s perception, when you know clearly you understand yourself best. You listen to them as though their opinion matters above all, as though you don’t trust your own intuition and God. Seek yourself, from within, don’t look outside you as you face the storm. Know you have everything you need, to fulfill your destiny, purpose and will. Danny G.

Eternally Destined to Be

Relationships come and vanish as though they had a simple mission to fulfill in our journey. Some stay for a lifetime, some only for a season as though they imparted a seed, watched it grow, then left when it bloomed. One thing is for sure, they always leave us with lessons, memories and adventures, as we tread the path to our divine purpose and destiny. Some memories are notable, some adventures are thrilling and some sad, but the journey of love is always eternally destined to be. Danny G.

Orchestrated For A Purpose

Everything we think, say and do has an impact on ourselves and others. We create our lives and influence others on their journey, by our mere existence and choices. Is anything random? Saying life is random or a coincidence is denying the magnificence of the universe and all its creation. Essentially, it’s saying creation has no meaningful purpose. Coincidence implies manifestation without purpose. When you look at the universe at large, and recognize all its beauty and perfection, can you honestly say it’s a mere coincidence? Do you want to believe that evolution and creation is random? Or do you want to believe in the universal spirit that orchestrated it all on your behalf? Do you want to believe God has complete control, or that evolution will carve its course? Always remember, he gave you control through your physical apparatus made ultimately for his glory. Danny G.

Making A Difference

All of us want to be of value to others. We have this inner desire to make a difference in the world, because by making a difference, we know we have a purpose. Making a difference can be as simple as changing a life or it can be I changed humanity.

Many of our goals and aspirations come from an inner desire to create a positive change in the world. Do you want to get to the end of your life saying I only lived for myself? Life and the world is an interconnection of everyone who lives on this planet. We are all one in many different forms bound to come across each other’s path at one point or another.

Do you want to come to the end of your life saying I achieved great things, however, I achieved them only for myself, or at the expense of others? You want to come to the end of your life saying, I made a difference in my friend’s life, or I made a difference that impacted the world, ultimately for my own journey. Danny G.

Know Your Depth

Every time life gives you choices along your path, assess your intentions, so you will not forget the reason you began your journey. By assessing your motives, you will not steer away from your divine destiny and purpose. You will know the depth of your intentions, which will inevitably lead to your breakthrough. Danny G.

Never Too Far

If you didn’t measure up to God’s standards, why would he create you as you are? God knew every struggle or fall you would endure, and he still gave you the gift of life. Would a loving father punish you for eternity for one lousy mistake or a few? Would a compassionate God not welcome you back after a sincere apology? Or even after a life of deception or ongoing struggle? If he can foresee all the days of your life before your physical birth, just know you’re still here for a reason, and there’s no mistake too great, for this compassionate creator. The only way back, is to know his truths, apply them, which inevitably leads to your victory. Danny G.

Contemplation is Key

Let’s not walk aimlessly down a path, for in 20 years from now, we will say I’ve accomplished nothing and my life feels meaningless. Let’s contemplate our actions and follow our intuition, so that in 20 years from now we can say I’ve completed my mission, and now let’s work on another one! Danny G.

You’re Still Here For A Reason

The moment you try to end your life or you contemplate it, is the day the pain will be a multitude greater, because deep down you know you’re supposed to be alive until the day God calls you home. As long as you have breath, you’re supposed to be alive.
Danny G.

An old man made a comment a long time ago when I was a young teenager around 12, or 13, and it stayed with me until this very day. A statement that sounds so simplistic, yet people consistently fight against it. He said there’s one obligation in life that everyone will have to face at one point or another. Everything else is a choice, but this one unavoidable experience that we must all face is death.

Everyone on this planet at the present time will leave this time space reality at one point. If we accept this reality that physical death is inevitable, then why do we try to end our life before our time? We’re fighting against the only obligation in our life that is inevitable.

The moment you decide that you want to end your life, you will know deep inside your gut, that you are making a big mistake. You know in your heart, as long as you have breath, you’re supposed to be alive. Denying your existence would be going against the laws of nature, because you know God still wants you here and he needs you.

Why are you trying to end your time before your mission is complete? We all need growth on an individual perspective and on a global scale, and sometimes the reasons we want our escape, are the reasons meant to catapult us to our divine destiny.

You have joyful experiences ahead, and you have something to give that will all make sense one day. You will say I’m glad I didn’t give up and I know why I went through that experience, since I became a better person and I helped others along the way.

You may say it’s too difficult, or I feel this emptiness that will not leave. Consider, if you were supposed to die, it would have happened already, but you’re still here because you and God chose for you to be here. These challenges are meant for your own expansion and for all the lives you touch. Simply by being you and being the best version of yourself, means you have purpose and it means you have something to give that no one else can, because there’s no exact replica of you.

You’re trying to end a journey that still needs unfolding, and you’ll feel an uneasiness that will be greater than the statement “I can’t take it anymore.” Because deep down you know you’re supposed to be alive, and you know you’re supposed to be alive until the day God calls you home.

The right time to call your exit on this physical plane, will be when you’re old and wrinkly, and you will have lived a joyous fulfilling life. Then you’ll say it’s my time and I’ve completed my mission and I shall go in peace. Until then you have a life to live and joyous experiences along the way.