Failing and being aware of it is step one. Failing and being willing to improve is step two. Failing and declaring your healing is true healing. But failing and not taking action is failure. Danny G.
Quote for Today
Praise and admiration should feel good. The only problem lies when we become dependent on admiration for our own happiness. Danny G.
Quote for Today
If I did as much as help myself through my writing, I did as much as help others. For we are all one in many different forms. And we are all one in many different dwelling places. Danny G.
Quote for Today
You were never meant to fix something that was never broken to begin with. Danny G.
Have Faith and Let Go
If he lives inside you indefinitely, know you always have what you need, and you’re always in control. The sole provider, and universal consciousness, is inside you and every consciousness on this planet. Therefore, don’t doubt, trust in the process, and have faith in your source. Danny G.
Being Genuine
People respect an individual who’s true to themselves, not someone who teaches one thing but contradicts himself through his actions. What is living your teachings? It’s teaching happiness because you are happy. It’s teaching gratitude because you are grateful. If you know what brings happiness, gratitude, and you’re living it, then go teach it. However, if you’re not living it, teach something you know. In the meantime, work at being happy, then once you live it, you’ll teach through the clarity of your example. Invest time for yourself, and then in time you’ll be living it and well able to reach out to others. Danny G.
The Teacher
The teacher always presents himself at the ideal time for your ultimate best. He pushes you into uncharted territory to smooth out the rough edges. With always your best interest at heart, if you simply listen, and not push against, he will reveal to you, your true self, from your own lenses. Danny G.
You Have the Right to be You
Take the subject of relationships and marriage for example. We have a marriage in which a couple falls in love and gets married. We have same-sex marriage, arranged marriage, common law relationships, open relationships, or people who prefer to remain celibate. It’s just an individual choice, there’s no right or wrong. The only wrong choice would be conforming to other’s expectations and ideals. You’re in charge, and you have the right to be you. Danny G.
Follow Your Intuition Don’t Conform
How did anyone do anything great? By listening to their peers, conforming to everybody’s expectations, and accepting their environment as their only hope? Many of us are told to face reality and follow the pact. We’re told to do whatever is considered normal or expected, given the circumstances. There’s nothing for you to do other than the impositions you create yourself. Be yourself, create the life you want, and follow your intuition but don’t conform to everybody’s expectations. Danny G.
Wisdom and the Ego
We can have all the knowledge in the world, but if we lack wisdom, we can’t do anything, and we stumble everywhere we go. Because intellect without wisdom is looking at the surface rather than the source. What better way to look at the source than to look at the one who created it all including you? God has all the answers to your every problem and question, so seek him in everything you do, and you shall receive. Danny G.