Karma and Interconnection

Don’t prejudge others or the world will mirror back your preconceptions. We’re all interconnected, so what you do for others, you do for yourself. Therefore, do good unto others, so that they may do good unto you. Danny G. 

Everyone Has A Story

Everyone has a reason for who they are today, as we all have a story that brought us to this present moment. The good and the bad shapes us into the person we are meant to become. Everything works together for our good as the triumph and adversities mold us into the essence of who we are and who we are to become. Danny G. 

Don’t Recreate Your Yesterdays

Everything we are today is a result of what we lived. It’s a result of our past thoughts, words, actions, and environment. To ensure you create a better tomorrow, and avoid repeating your troubles, don’t recreate your yesterdays. Danny G. 

Assumptions and Prejudging

Why do we assume we know someone when we haven’t walked their path? Everyone has a reason for who they are today, and we can either accept or reject them, however, accepting or rejecting them defines us, not them. Danny G. 

An Act of Love

Jealousy or envy is a normal emotion that most people feel at one point in their life. However, being cruel because of jealousy and envy is wrong. The best solution to jealousy is to pray for the person you envy, for envy and jealousy cannot exist with a continual act of love. Danny G.

It’s Only an Opinion

Everyone you meet has a different opinion of you, so don’t pay too much attention to their negative remarks. It’s only an opinion, and opinion varies with individuals. It’s the wise ones who choose to see the best in you. Danny G.

Contemplation is Key

Let’s not walk aimlessly down a path, for in 20 years from now, we will say I’ve accomplished nothing and my life feels meaningless. Let’s contemplate our actions and follow our intuition, so that in 20 years from now we can say I’ve completed my mission, and now let’s work on another one! Danny G.

Create Your Own Reality

Every opinion is only an opinion until you accept it as your truth. It’s only when you reinforce the opinion with your persistent thoughts, words and actions that you create that reality. Therefore, create your own opinion and reality, and think, speak and act on it, and you shall receive. Danny G.

The Only Obligation

The only obligation in life that is inevitable, is death. Everything else is a choice, so why try to end the only unavoidable part of life? We try to end our life through our own will and deep down we know we’re still supposed to be here. In our heart, we know as long as we have breath, we’re supposed to be alive. Danny G.

Reprogram Your Mind

Think, speak and act on what you know is the truth, and what you want to create in your life. Even if your mind is pulling you in the opposite direction, if you continually think, speak and act on what you know and want, you’ll reprogram your mind and beliefs. This will in time create a new and improved reality of your choosing. Danny G.