You can focus on probable or you can focus on possibilities. Probable refers to reality. Possibilities is turning the impossible in a possibility. Most people venture into the probable. My challenge to you is to focus on what unwavering faith can do. Focus on your abilities and capabilities. Focus on the Great I AM and declare the rest. Danny G.
A Creation Of Authenticity
Your present reality holds the greatest opportunity for change and growth. You cannot create from the past nor the future. Let the past be a teacher and allow your future to start in the present now. Move beyond your current reality by redirecting your heart and soul. Reconstruct your present now into your new creation with the divine, a creation of authenticity bound to thrive. Danny G.
Move Beyond It
Excellence is a mindset and choice, and so is mediocrity. If you want to achieve excellence move beyond your present reality of mediocrity. Move beyond the mentality of defeat, and replace it with a victor mentality. You are just a shell with the most powerful energy inside which is God, and your greatest power is to be in alignment with this source and power, and create with it. Danny G.
Aligned With the Divine
You create all sorts of arbitrary assumptions about God and the world. Your assumptions become your beliefs, expectations and experiences. Don’t allow these assumptions to rule your mind and soul. Only when you accept them as truth, they become your experience and life. Create your own assumptions, and ensure they are aligned with the divine, and then watch it play back as the new reality you created in your mind. Danny G.
Creating Your Reality
Create your own peaceful haven, create your own reality, and create your own personality. Don’t fall prey to the world conforming you into someone you’re not. Don’t fall prey to them convincing you of what’s not true. You create your beliefs and expectations, so don’t allow them to persuade you. Claim the Phoenix you were created and born to be. Danny G.
Indefinitely In Your Heart
Your insecurities mirror back your reality, which is why you find yourself yearning and yearning again and again. You want something authentic, and genuine, but you find yourself in relationships that remind you of everything you’re not. Love is an expression of who you are, so as long as you carry those insecurities, your relationships will remind you of them again. Be yourself, accept it, embrace it, and then true joy will find its way indefinitely in your heart. Danny G.
The Dream We Create
Everything is a dream. There is the waking dream which we call this physical plane, and there is the dreamy state which we call slumber or sleep. The universe dreams a dream, and every human being dreams a dream. Every species has their own waking dream. Over time we get overly consumed with misconceptions and preconceived notions we gathered from others along our physical trail. We get overly consumed with humanity’s dream, the dream of fear, pessimism and bitterness. We get overly consumed with the chaos or the havoc of the world. Then not knowingly, we create this reality, and forget. Every moment is a new opportunity to create a new dream, a dream that is aligned with our source and soul. Don’t get so wrapped up in the old dream that you forget you can always create another one. And don’t get so wrapped up in the old dream that you forget you’re always in control, and the power lies in you to create anew every single day. Danny G.
Faith and Triumph Prevails
The choices we make from child to present molds our current reality, and creates our future endeavors. Our lives are a manifestation of all the thoughts, words and actions along our physical trail. Be proud of your accomplishments, but let go of the old. Let go of the old personality of pessimism and bitterness, and let the new personality of faith and triumph prevail. Danny G.
Determination and Persistence
Don’t make excuses for your unhappiness or lack of success. Don’t make yourself the victim and fall prey to life’s challenges. Accept your current reality, and know it’s impermanent if you declare it so. Know you’re always rewriting the script, and excuses only holds you back. A sturdy determination to persist and have faith will yield the essence of your desires. Danny G.
Two Worlds Within You
Don’t look around with pessimistic lenses, for you can see only the ugliness in the world if you do so. There’s always two stories within you, and two worlds within you. Choose optimism, choose gratitude, and focus on your desired outcome. Then, see it play back as the essence of reality, and the essence of your new reality. Danny G.