True Satisfaction and Joy

Don’t seek to merely receive recognition and wealth. True satisfaction and joy is not from the gold you possess or living a life of luxury. It’s from living with purpose and meaning. It’s following your passion and creativity. Danny G. 

Do What Resonates With You

Don’t let money or recognition be your primary objective. Do what resonates with your soul and let the universe handle the rest. When you do what resonates with your soul, the universe conspires on your behalf for its glory. Danny G.

Don’t Allow it to Change You

There’s nothing wrong with admiring attention and recognition, as long as attention and recognition doesn’t define who you are, and doesn’t change who you are. And there’s nothing wrong with admiring wealth and status, as long as wealth and status doesn’t define who you are, and doesn’t change who you are. There’s nothing wrong with wanting any of this, or all of it, as long as you remember who you are, where you’re from, and as long as you realize what matters above all, is God. Danny G.

Worth in the Wrong Places (Poem)

Some search their lifetime,

For wealth, riches  

And fame.

The exhilaration 

Of riches, fame, 


And flatters, 

All for possessions and a pay check.

They live their lives, 

Trying to gain worth, 

Through their name 

And pocket-book, 

And status. 

Then when finally, their dream is fulfilled,

They have all the money they wished, 

And compliments and flatters 

Behind a hidden mask.

One day, 

When the riches and fame

Evade them,

They lose themselves, in the process.

Impress Them the Right Way

Why do we so desperately want to impress others through money, recognition, or power? Why not impress others by being a good-hearted and happy person? Because happiness, and compassion is much more important than money, recognition or power. Danny G.