Your True Essence

Rejection has nothing to do with you, but everything to do with the others. For they only see a perspective of you, and not the entire story. Pride often thinks they know better, but only you know your true essence, and your truthful journey. Danny G. 

Rejection is From Within

Rejection is not caused by others, it is caused within. Everyone faces rejection at one point in their lives. Out of every rejection from another, there is also approval and compassion from a multitude. It all depends which side you’re on. There will always be loving sources and people for you. Choose the ones that resonate with you, and banish rejection from your heart and soul. Danny G. 

Feel It Then Move On

As long as you care, you will hurt. To say you won’t feel anything in life would be saying you’re not human. We’re emotional beings who originate from the divine, but we’re also housed in a physical body. That means we will feel rejection sometimes, but the only sin would be to give in to bitterness or fear. The proper way to feel rejection is to feel it, then move on, and be the best version of you. Danny G.

A Helping Hand

It’s easy to acknowledge and respect someone when he’s wealthy, famous or highly regarded. The wise person says I’ll acknowledge and respect those who are lost, and whose lives have fallen apart. I’ll be the one to pull them back up, and give them a spring in their step. Who needs acceptance more than the other, the one who’s got it together? Or the one who’s lost, afraid and who feels rejected? Danny G. 

Be Moved by Compassion Not Anger

If you knew an individual was in despair, and you knew everything you said to this person would be detrimental for his well-being and safety, how careful would you be? How do you know the person you encounter is not in despair? Your rejection and mistreatment can be one of the many things that causes him to give up on life. Therefore, think before acting, and be moved by compassion, not judgment or anger. Danny G. 

Assumptions and Prejudging

Why do we assume we know someone when we haven’t walked their path? Everyone has a reason for who they are today, and we can either accept or reject them, however, accepting or rejecting them defines us, not them. Danny G.