Everyone is entitled to their beliefs and ideologies. There’s nothing wrong with teaching, but pushing them on your path only creates resistance. You can only influence others, and if their free will chooses otherwise, let them be. How do you know what that soul needs? You know what your soul needs, therefore, you will attract those souls in alignment with you. Everyone who needs you or your inspiration will find you. So, inspire, uplift and enlighten, but allow everyone to have their own journey. Danny G.
Thought for Today
There’s no such thing as a straight line in life. There are ups and there are downs, and there are moments that seem to cease in time. Accept it, don’t fight it or you’ll resist life. Embrace the imperfections of life with all its adversities and challenges. When you know how to handle the obstacles, you know how to handle life. That is the true meaning of thriving. Danny G.
Just A Cycle
Everything has a cycle and is subject to change. Fighting this simple notion is resisting life. Don’t look merely at a season indefinitely. Look ahead, appreciate what’s behind and embrace the new. Danny G.
Begin Anew
There are those people who resist change, and there are those people who embrace it. Life is an evolution. We can stay in the past forever, or we can adopt a new philosophy, a new age, a new practice. Do as before, and you get the same results. Begin anew, and you create positive change in the world. Danny G.
Inner Peace Despite It All
Obsessing only creates more obsessing. Resistance creates more resistance. Fighting against your adversities only aggravates you. Learn to be at peace despite the imperfections of life. Learn to be led by your higher self. When you do, aggravation turns into inner peace and the solution manifests. Danny G.
Your New Focal Point
The past can grab a hold on you and cause a burden if you let it. Or you can practice letting go, not fighting or resisting. You can practice compassion, inner peace and forgiveness. You can allow the present to be your new focal point and create your own reality. Danny G.
Don’t Fight the System
Instead of fighting the system, be pro freedom, be pro peace and be pro abundance. We often act out of fear of being controlled. Fighting the system creates conflict and chaos. Influencing a new generation from a divine perspective creates harmony and coherence. We can fight or we can influence. One creates disorder and the other creates a divine army meant to bring compassion to the world. Danny G.
I Can Change You Now
Nothing can resist your will if it’s strong enough. Nothing can sink you down without your consent. Speak to your resistance, say you’re nothing but a thought, and I can change you now. Danny G.
Often it’s when you release resistance, and you stop fighting the process, that you receive your breakthrough. By not forcing it into being, you open the door for greater to occur. You’ll move with ease and peace in your heart, knowing your name was carved out from the start. Danny G.
Allow It and Don’t Resist
The challenge presents itself as an opportunity for success and self awareness. Allow this challenge to be your motivator. Allow it to be your inspiration. Allow it to transform you and your life. Allow it, and don’t resist. Danny G.