Quote for Today

Abundance is not something attained only by location, our environment or our inheritance. It’s inherited through seeking inward, contributing by giving back and being a positive example to all those lives we touch. Danny G. 

Thought for Today

You think you have someone figured out by external appearance, but you don’t know his true self. Only he and his source know who he is. You create all types of prejudices and misconceptions based on your beliefs. One perception doesn’t define everyone and everything. Everyone has their own perceptions and beliefs. Everyone has a story and a reason for being. Condoning is not the answer, but prejudging before knowing their inner world is not the answer either. Love, accept or let go. Danny G. 

Thought for Today

At times we create our own illusions to find clarity. Other times those illusions are passed down through generation after generation and we simply accept them as truth. We don’t question authority, since we believe we don’t have the right to. Every one of us is a creator and we are all unique. We’re all creating our life story and we have an impact on all the lives we touch. Do you want to follow a rule book, or only the masters of the past, or do you want to embrace your power, potential and authenticity. Danny G. 

Quote for Today

Abundance is not predicated by merely our inheritance, environment or our IQ. It’s something we must acquire first on the inside before it manifests on the outside. Danny G. 

Thought for Today

The reason you’re not fulfilled is because you’re looking only at the exterior. Manifesting our external world is important, and it’s supposed to be joyful, but looking merely at the external obliterates the most important aspect. Your inner joy, inner peace and wisdom is your reason for being. It’s why you’re here. Your external world is only a reflection of your inner world. Only looking at accumulation feels empty inside. Seeking inward, true happiness and then manifesting your goals and dreams is the greatest achievement you can make. It’s starts from the inside and it projects itself on the outside. Follow your bliss. Danny G. 

Call the Inner God Within You

When you embarked on this journey, perhaps the unknown felt scary or lonely. Maybe you were in doubt and uncertainty. Remember that you are never separated from the divine. He lives in you, so whenever afraid or lost, call out the inner God within you, and allow him to lead the path. Danny G. 

Milestones to Your Destiny

As you move into adulthood and midlife, you carry different versions of you. You carry the child that was you. You carry the adolescent that was you. You carry the young adult within you. Every one of them has a reason for being and a story to tell. Listen to them, learn from them, and accept all those versions of you. Love them, for they are merely stepping stones and milestones into your destiny. Danny G.