Some people are asleep for so long, they need an epiphany to wake them up. The epiphany shows up as a pause and reset. Sometimes, it shows up as a divine revelation. Recognize there’s always a revolution happening within you. Your free will determines the unfolding of your life story, and the way you impact others. Choose wisdom, faith and compassion, and your revolution will conspire on your behalf and for God’s glory. Danny G.
Everyone’s Mission
In order to access your supernatural abilities, you must seek inward for the answers and solutions. From within lies a world of knowledge, wisdom and insights. From within lies your infinite and limitless intelligence, power and potential. Be still, and listen to the guidance from within. That’s where art is created, inventions are created and leaders are born. From this source of inspiration lies everyone’s mission to create a greater humanity. Danny G.
The Process Of the Pursuit
Do not look merely at the success you acquire, look at who you become in the midst of seeking your achievements. Seek personal growth and your spiritual evolution, and your success is bound to be. It’s not about the number of trophies you acquire, it’s about who you become in the process of its pursuit. Danny G.
Finding Your Ecstasy
Find your own ecstasy, joy and enthusiasm. These emotions are all inborn within you. Don’t seek merely the chemical to get a high, seek your inner resources and create your high. Self reliance is knowing you have the power within you. Empower yourself to be the phoenix you’re born to be. Danny G.
Quote for Today
It is the insurmountable mountain you conquer, that creates the hero within you. Danny G.
Seek A Vision 
Have a vision, a purpose and a dream. Don’t walk aimlessly on your path, be proactive with your thoughts and visions. The universe supports someone who knows where he’s going, and who knows his potential and power within. Danny G.
Our Greatest Gift Within
Enthusiasm, excitement and passion are the cornerstones to achieving the life of our desires. God speaks to us through emotions, and we act on inspiration. Within our inspiration, lies our greatest gift to give ourselves and the world. Danny G.
Childlike Wonder
Don’t bury that yearning, that childlike wonder, and that thirst for truth. Seek it, live it, and allow it to speak to your heart and soul. When you acknowledge it, and accept it for what it is, your spiritual journey, you reclaim your power and potential within. Danny G.
Something to Teach
Every life experience has something to teach, if you simply listen within. Move beyond the havoc inside your mind, and find that space of stillness where peace and divinity lies. This is your greatest power and greatest endeavor. Within the havoc lies your power, your breakthrough and success. Declare it so, and allow it to become the essence of who you are. Danny G.
From Within Lies Your Answers
When adversity comes knocking at your door, take it as an opportunity to expand your knowledge. Take it as an opportunity to seek wisdom. From within lies your answers and solutions. Seek within, and you’ll discover your strength, your power and your potential. Danny G.