Be Your Own Hero

Don’t condemn the chaos or havoc. See what your purpose is in the midst of it. You chose to be here, so be your own hero in the midst of imperfection. Seek within for your calling, and allow God to work with you and through you, for his and your ultimate will and purpose. Danny G. 

Signs From Our Soul

Growth and our spiritual journey is essentially who we are. When we fight against it, or become complacent, we stunt our inner self and potential within. Expansion comes from listening to our inner guidance and wisdom. Expansion comes from recognizing our growth, and being receptive to the signs from our soul. It means being open minded and seeking inward while knowing there’s an infinite and limitless intelligence calling us forth. Danny G. 

The Giant Within You

Your challenges call you to action. Your challenges create stimulation and inspiration. Your challenges call you to seek inward for the solution. You’re always in the process of creation and transformation, and your challenge is what brings out the giant within you. Danny G. 

Success is Inevitable

Success is happiness. Success is inner peace. Success is faith. When you live by these truths, success is inevitable, and you know that seeking inward is your true calling, purpose and destiny. Danny G. 

The Divinity You Are

Don’t seek mediocrity, seek to be the grandest version of you, and the rest will follow. Wisdom comes from seeking inward and achieving inner peace despite the trials and opposition steering your way. Never taking risks will only keep you in mediocrity and complacency. You can replay the same scenarios over and over again, or you can trust the universe is guiding you and conspiring on your behalf. Focus on strength, persistence, faith and taking action in face of adversity. Recognize the deliberate creator you are, and that you’re destined to be. Danny G. 

Stillness Wherever You Go

There is noise wherever you go if you allow the noise to consume you. There is stillness wherever you go if you allow this peace to just be. You can find peace by seeking inward, and focusing on the divine being you are. When you find peace in the midst of chaos and havoc, you master life and the inevitable joyous experiences bound to be. Danny G. 

Seeking Inward Wisdom and Faith

Don’t wait for an crisis to create change in your life and grow. For when you are in crisis, you experience panic and confusion. Seek inward, seek wisdom and declare your faith. And when the crisis happens, you’ll be aware of your control and power through the bright soul you are. Danny G. 

Be Still and Listen

Wisdom stems from stillness, tranquility and peace. When we seek inward, we find that source of stillness and peace where wisdom lies. We can always find this peace and wisdom despite the chaos or havoc around us. The noise doesn’t have to weigh us down, as we can always be still and listen within. Danny G. 

Intuition to Thrive

When you feel that inner conflict with your soul from misconceptions, preconceptions and mistranslations, return to your inner wisdom and seek within. All answers are through seeking inward through the divinity we are. When we seek inward, we don’t need another to show us the path, we gladly allow those to teach, but we have our intuition to thrive. Danny G. 

The Answer and Solution Lies Within

Seek inward for all the wisdom and inspiration you need. The answer and solution lies within when you cast your faith in the infinite intelligence. There’s nothing you cannot be, do or have, and it all starts with seeking inward for wisdom and inspiration from the limitless source. Danny G.