Destined to Break Through

That failure or weakness has insights and lessons if you seek within. Learn to be at peace no matter how life knocks you down. That’s how strength is rejuvenated and faith is restored. Persistence and perseverance despite life’s imperfections teaches you and leads you. Combined with faith, you’re destined to break through. Danny G. 

Despite It All

This moment of sadness or grief doesn’t define you. It’s merely your emotions on this very moment. Every moment is impermanent. Don’t allow this moment to define you. Be a leader, be a motivator, be the inspiration who kept going despite it all. Danny G. 

Creation in the Unknown

Interrupt the pattern and you interrupt the unfolding of your life. Life is a state of perpetual patterns which creates your behavior. At times we become accustomed to our patterns, so we walk on autopilot, oblivious of our behavior. We become complacent and we don’t move forward. Realize that creation lies in the unknown. The more you break free of the habitual patterns and behavior, the more you become deliberate. You become the artist of your life, meant to thrive, succeed and triumph. Danny G. 

Your Divinity and Power

The reason you question who you are, and where you’re from is because you’re meant to learn more about your divinity and power. You can sleep walk your entire life, and then bumble into opposition without a clue of what to do. When you seek inward, you embrace wisdom, enlightenment and insight from your soul. Without posing the questions, you cannot receive an answer. Don’t suppress it, embrace the spirit that transcends all understanding. Within it contains the answers to your questions and the solutions to your problems. Danny G. 

You Decipher

Many people operate full throttle everyday. With enough speed and momentum while always pressing the brakes, it creates an imbalance. Learn to rest. Take time away from the world to be in your own world. Then you won’t feel the highs and lows that creates incoherence. You’re in power and you decipher when to step back and when to move forward. Danny G.  

Much More For You

When faced with great adversities, at times we think of merely survival, or just getting through. But God wants much more for you. Think about moving beyond it. Think about what’s on the other side of this adversity. Believe it in the core of your being, stand by it and watch it flourish. Danny G. 

Always Find Your Way Back

We don’t pursue happiness. We discover it from within. By defining what happiness is for us, we allow the inspiration to lead us. External happiness lasts a season, but internal happiness can last a lifetime. Though trials may manifest without a warning in sight, internal happiness is practice behavior and thinking. With this happiness, it never eludes you. You’ll always find your way back to your source. Danny G. 

Delaying it is not the Answer

Don’t become dependent on the exterior to make you happy. What happens if it takes you 10 years to finally achieve your desire? Will you delay joy for 10 years? Do we have control over the timing of all events, or do we have control over the way we respond? Seek first inner joy and be at peace with the timing, and then probably sooner than later, the manifestation will arrive. Danny G. 

The Inner Game

Focus on the inner game and the outer game follows. The inner game is seeking inward. The inner game is seeking faith and wisdom. The inner game is seeking persistence. With all this by your side, you bound to flourish and thrive. Danny G. 

Story Meant to be Shared

Listen to what you’re complaining about, for it has the power to explain to you your greatest discovery. Your discovery is finding out what creates pessimism and bitterness, and turning it into optimism and compassion. It’s turning it into faith and wisdom. It’s turning it into a success story meant to be shared. Danny G.