We don’t pursue happiness. We discover it from within. By defining what happiness is for us, we allow the inspiration to lead us. External happiness lasts a season, but internal happiness can last a lifetime. Though trials may manifest without a warning in sight, internal happiness is practice behavior and thinking. With this happiness, it never eludes you. You’ll always find your way back to your source. Danny G.
Delaying it is not the Answer
Don’t become dependent on the exterior to make you happy. What happens if it takes you 10 years to finally achieve your desire? Will you delay joy for 10 years? Do we have control over the timing of all events, or do we have control over the way we respond? Seek first inner joy and be at peace with the timing, and then probably sooner than later, the manifestation will arrive. Danny G.
The Inner Game
Focus on the inner game and the outer game follows. The inner game is seeking inward. The inner game is seeking faith and wisdom. The inner game is seeking persistence. With all this by your side, you bound to flourish and thrive. Danny G.
Story Meant to be Shared
Listen to what you’re complaining about, for it has the power to explain to you your greatest discovery. Your discovery is finding out what creates pessimism and bitterness, and turning it into optimism and compassion. It’s turning it into faith and wisdom. It’s turning it into a success story meant to be shared. Danny G.
Reprogramming the Mind
If you’re in a dry spell at the moment, just know there’s something on the horizon waiting for you to call it yours. Don’t get used to lack. Reprogram your mind for success and happiness. Be productive with your thoughts and emotions. Be productive the right way through seeking the right mindset, which will inevitably bring you to your breakthrough and destination. Danny G.
Have Faith in the Process
Do not look at the seed you planted and anticipate growth right away. Have faith in the process. Have inner peace despite not yet having arrived. Have unwavering faith it will grow into a mighty oak tree in its ideal timing. Danny G.
Always A Choice
Repeat often I have a choice. Repeat I have free will. You can focus on a fate outside of yourself or you can create your own fate. Claim your freedom. Fate can grab you by the hand and drag you, or you can be the deliberate creator you’re born to be. Danny G.
Make Your Path
We can follow the pack or we can make our path. The ones who make their path are the ones who break the boundaries and thrive. They don’t need a system to define them, for they create their system and define themselves. Danny G.
Understanding Its Origin
Ask yourself, what is this pain or adversity trying to tell you? Listen, be open minded and contemplate. There’s opportunities within every adversity, and there’s opportunities within our pain. Contemplate without frustration or confusion. Allow clarity to become you by stepping back from the challenge and understanding its origin. Danny G.
True Happiness and Inner Peace
Don’t get attached to what’s outside of you. For the exterior world has ups and downs, and pros and cons. If we attach to them, they control us and our emotions. We let the exterior world define us and mislead us. When we seek inward first, the ups and downs don’t decide for us. We choose to seek within where true happiness and inner peace abounds. Danny G.