Release the anger and frustration for your current situation. Anger and frustration will only perpetuate it and aggravate it. See what the situation is telling you. Quiet your mind, and ask what do I need to learn from these current events and circumstances? How can I grow and not remain stagnant and complacent? That is the start of a success story from the inside out. Danny G.
Understanding Yourself
Ask yourself why you want these desires. What intentions do you have? Seek inward to know why these desires are calling you. Understanding yourself and your desires, is key to unlocking your full potential and calling. Danny G.
The Real Work is Inward
You can change your location, and you can change your environment, but you must change your thoughts for greater change to occur. You must seek inward to grow, and to let go of negative attachments, past hurts and disappointments. Danny G.
Seeking Inward
As I remembered my youth, I’d feel sadness. I came to see a disguise, but with a kind and loving heart. That loving heart never seized to be, but illness plagued me for many years to follow. I then said I love you despite the sickness that lingered time and time again. I realized seeking inward and loving oneself should be our true source and calling. Danny G.
The Compass
You have a compass within you at all times. You can choose to listen to it or ignore it. You listen to it by choosing faith over fear. You listen to it by choosing compassion over bitterness. And you listen to it by being persistent and steadfast. The voice is always within you waiting for you to step aboard. Danny G.
The Power Of Your Inner Voice
Pay attention to your thoughts, for they can either make you or break you. Your inner dialogue is constantly happening. You can choose pessimism or optimism, fear or faith, bitterness or compassion. Whatever you tell your inner voice creates the path before you. Declare I am in the process of creation every moment of every day. I choose to be in alignment with my source and ultimate provider. With this mindset, nothing is outside my reach and nothing is impossible. Danny G.
Accept It As Yours
The more you seek inward, stillness and tranquility, the greater your choices will be. For when your mind is chaotic and turbulent, you cannot focus on your inner self. Seeking inward and stillness is key to wisdom, enlightenment and inspiration. It’s quieting the mind so you can hear your inner guidance. It’s always there waiting for you to claim it, understand it and accept it as yours. Danny G.
Utter Satisfaction Of Joy and Success
You can reach the mountain top and never be truly fulfilled and happy. You can live a life of luxury, and never be a peace in your heart. Seek inward for the peace that transcends the universe. And when you reach the mountain top, you will experience the utter satisfaction of joy and success. Danny G.
Changing the Inner You
By overcoming your adversities, you become the greater you. You cannot overcome anything without changing the inner you. You cannot master anything without changing the inner you. So by conquering yourself, you grow spiritually, stronger and wiser. Danny G.
Your Inner World and Outer World
If you do not feel worthy to receive, how do you allow happiness and success? You project your inner world into your outer world. Your unworthiness is a declaration of lack. Think abundance, think joy, and allow faith to create success. Danny G.