The Compass

You have a compass within you at all times. You can choose to listen to it or ignore it. You listen to it by choosing faith over fear. You listen to it by choosing compassion over bitterness. And you listen to it by being persistent and steadfast. The voice is always within you waiting for you to step aboard. Danny G. 

The Power Of Your Inner Voice

Pay attention to your thoughts, for they can either make you or break you. Your inner dialogue is constantly happening. You can choose pessimism or optimism, fear or faith, bitterness or compassion. Whatever you tell your inner voice creates the path before you. Declare I am in the process of creation every moment of every day. I choose to be in alignment with my source and ultimate provider. With this mindset, nothing is outside my reach and nothing is impossible. Danny G. 

Accept It As Yours

The more you seek inward, stillness and tranquility, the greater your choices will be. For when your mind is chaotic and turbulent, you cannot focus on your inner self. Seeking inward and stillness is key to wisdom, enlightenment and inspiration. It’s quieting the mind so you can hear your inner guidance. It’s always there waiting for you to claim it, understand it and accept it as yours. Danny G. 

Utter Satisfaction Of Joy and Success

You can reach the mountain top and never be truly fulfilled and happy. You can live a life of luxury, and never be a peace in your heart. Seek inward for the peace that transcends the universe. And when you reach the mountain top, you will experience the utter satisfaction of joy and success. Danny G.  

Changing the Inner You

By overcoming your adversities, you become the greater you. You cannot overcome anything without changing the inner you. You cannot master anything without changing the inner you. So by conquering yourself, you grow spiritually, stronger and wiser. Danny G. 

Your Inner World and Outer World

If you do not feel worthy to receive, how do you allow happiness and success? You project your inner world into your outer world. Your unworthiness is a declaration of lack. Think abundance, think joy, and allow faith to create success. Danny G. 

Your Own Ultimate Joy

Life is about discovering your potential and power. We imitate the masters of the past thinking it’s the ultimate way. Discovering your potential means seeking inward, while being open minded to advice. It’s about seeking what resonates with you, not merely what resonates with others, but finding your own ultimate joy and purpose. Danny G. 

The Ideal Path

Imperfections are part of human life. Grow, seek, but never forget that life is full of imperfections. The straight path may not exist, but being the best you, where you are with what you have, is the perfect path to personal growth and transformation. Danny G. 

Seeking Our Inner Resources

You’re not always going to feel good. You’ll have highs and lows like every unique individual on this planet. At times, we seek outside ourselves to get that high. Maybe a chemical, attention or love in the wrong places. You have inner resources to create your own happiness and freedom. If you always seek outside yourself, you’ll forget who you truly are. Seek inward and seek what resonates with your soul. Then, you’re bound to break free and triumph. Danny G. 

Pause Reflect and Contemplate

Sit with your pain. Listen to what it’s telling you. Identify its root cause and reason for being. Pause, reflect and contemplate. From within lies a world of insights and wisdom. Accept you’re a work in progress, and appreciate every step forward you take. This is the journey of healing inside out. Danny G.