Finding Peace and Solace

If you look outside yourself you’ll find the pessimistic walls surrounding you. A barrier to your peace and happiness. You’ll see chaos and a desperate yearning for solace. Look within, and you’ll find a peace that surpasses all understanding. A peace that says all is well, everything is working together for me, my loved ones, and humanity. Danny G. 

Unleash the Giant Within You

My words are recollections of what you knew within the depth of your being. They’re meant to unleash the giant within you. Put them into motion with your thoughts and boldness. Step into action with your vision at the forefront, knowing nothing is too great for the God or Goddess within you. Danny G. 

Our Potential Within

Our tests and trials are self imposed for us to unleash our full potential and greatness. They’re meant to smooth the rough edges, and get rid of the dark places. You may not see it yet, but one day you’ll see how it all came together for you, your growth, and the evolution of humanity. Danny G. 

Reason for Being

Never underestimate your own power, and the unique soul you are. Listen to the authentic voice within, calling you to greatness and success. Embrace it, make memories, seek wisdom while knowing authenticity and joy is the reason for being. Danny G. 

The Journey Calling You

In the midst of the storm, there is a path unfolding, a journey calling you to your dream and purpose. Although you cannot see it, nor see the growth, through exploring and seeking, your destiny is calling within. Don’t fight it, let the current guide you, and most importantly, let joy find you and make its home indefinitely, in your heart. Danny G.

The Intentions for the Journey

You can get so attached and entwined in this reality, you forget about hope and faith, and why you embarked on this journey. You get twisted up, and tangled, forgetting there’s always a means of escape. So seek within, know your power, declare your faith, and you’ll discover a wold inside, always willing to bring you back home. Danny G.

Sturdy and Strong

One who is at peace with himself doesn’t need another to make him feel worthy and loved. One who is at peace with himself doesn’t need to be dependent on another. He knows the power is in his hands, and he knows nothing can overtake him. For as the palm tree bends but never falls, he is sturdy, seeks within, and can stop the storm. Danny G. 

Unique Journey and Triumph

Intuition comes from within, not from an outside source. Seek within and you’ll find all the answers you’re looking for, from the infinite intelligence. Who would know best other than the one who created you, lives in you, and is in every particle in the universe? Your uniqueness defines who you are, what comes next, and your ultimate potential. And your inner guidance is destined for your unique journey and triumph. Danny G. 

The Old Soul

Seeking merely expensive toys, a life of luxury and status will never bring true happiness and success. The old soul seeks to fulfill the soul, through seeking within, finding purpose, and being of value. Neither should be condemned, as it’s all about finding balance, where freedom lies. Nevertheless, being the old soul, is what brings true joy, and fulfillment. Danny G.