Growth Mindset

You can have a growth mindset, or you can have a mediocre mindset. Life is about self awareness and transformation. Life doesn’t remain stagnant and complacent. It’s constantly evolving for the greater you and humanity. Accept it, move beyond it and be perpetually changed into the new you and new reality. Danny G. 

Becoming Self Aware

Become self aware without the feelings of guilt, regret and condemnation. Building self awareness is realizing your power, faith and self control. Guilt, regret and condemnation is not letting go, and it only steals your strength and energy. Reclaim your faith and self control through the divine being you are. Everything is possible with faith and persistence. Danny G. 

Be Open Minded

When the student is ready, the teacher appears. The challenges we face brings us self awareness on whatever we need for expansion and personal growth. Be open minded, and the world will bring you the essence of whatever it is you’re seeking. Danny G. 

Being Aware

Become aware of your inner self talk. It’s key for personal growth and transformation. Reprogram your mind persistently and steadfastly. Whatever pessimistic beliefs you’re holding onto, release them, and embrace your new optimistic beliefs and expectations. Danny G. 

A Strong Will

You can remain in the safety zone indefinitely, or you can choose self awareness and transformation. Self awareness and transformation requires action steps for personal growth. Personal growth doesn’t remain stagnant or complacent. It requires persistence, faith and a will to not give in. Danny G. 

Keep Looking Forward

Instead of looking at your setbacks as failures, look at them as gaining self awareness. Look at them as seeking personal growth. Look at them as being one step closer to your dream or goal. Successful people keep looking forward, and they never give up. Danny G. 

We Can Shift Any Moment

Often we don’t pay attention to our thoughts and emotions. Then our thoughts and emotions accumulate over time and creates havoc in our life. Self awareness is the first step to personal transformation. Recognizing what’s at the forefront of our mind is critical. Realizing we are running on autopilot is knowing we can shift any moment and every day. Danny G. 

Quiet Down and Listen

Self awareness is the first step to transformation. You can sleep walk and never seek your inner source. Or you can allow self awareness to transform you. Seek, be still and the solutions and answers will come as you quiet down and listen. Danny G. 

Awareness to Manifestation

Don’t condemn the unwanted, for the unwanted is what caused the desire within you. Be patient, and allow the unwanted to be a recognition of what you do want. Condemnation never brings the positive, but self awareness is key to manifestation. Danny G. 

Being Honest With Yourself

Be honest with yourself. Be honest with the positive and the negative too. Self awareness is realizing what works for you and what doesn’t. It’s realizing your worthiness, and what creates lack and self sabotage. Find what resonates with you, be honest with yourself and then act on it. Danny G.