Do your best where you are with what you have, and the rest is up to the universe to do its part with its limitless powers and intelligence. You give your best, and the universe gives its best, for your evolution and the evolution of humanity. Danny G.
Be Inspired to be the Best You
You have more control than you think you do. Every time you choose wisdom, you choose self control. Every time you choose motivation, you choose self control. Every time you act on inspiration, you choose self control. Acting as if our life is not in our control is denying our power. Be empowered, be motivated and be inspired to be the best you. Danny G.
Realize Your Potential Within
Suffering can be a choice. Although we may not have complete control over worldly issues, or outside events and circumstances, we have complete control internally. When we seek inward, we claim our power and freedom. We all have free will, so change what you can, accept what you can’t at this present time, and realize your potential within. Danny G.
Taking Ownership
You can allow the adversity to control you, or you can control it. When you allow it to control you, you focus on your limitations and infirmities. You feel powerless and weak. When you take ownership of your challenges, you embrace your potential within. By embracing your self control and discipline, you recognize your power to create deliberately. Danny G.
Creating Our Opportunities
You create your opportunities through faith and persistence. Don’t allow the environment to define you, or control you. Do what you love to do, and allow the universal source to speak to you and guide you. Everything you need is within you. It’s waiting for you to claim it now. Danny G.
Programmed Consciously
Do you want to be programmed environmentally, or do you want to be programmed consciously? Being programmed environmentally is allowing our environments to take control and lead us. Being programmed consciously is building self awareness, and discovering our true potential, power and self control. Danny G.
You Control the Destination
Declare this adversity is for a greater purpose. Your only role is being your best where you are, with what you have. The adversity can be a blessing or a curse, as it’s all in your perception of the challenge. Create a blessing, not a curse. You’re in control of your destination, as you mold the clay and make it your own. Danny G.
Within Our Control
The moment you declare an external stimulus as your barrier to thrive, you lose your power. Power comes from within, and self awareness comes from seeking inward. Look at your barrier, declare your faith, and see it through until the very end. Danny G.
Within Your Control
No desire is outside your reach, for you’re the creator in this physical plane. You create through your thoughts, emotions and behavior. If source birthed a desire within you, it’s not outside your control, it’s within your reaction, faith, and persistence. Danny G.
Powerful Deliberate Creator
Fear often stems from powerlessness and lack of control. When we feel we have no control, we feel caged in with a fate outside our reach. Realize your power through thoughts, words and behavior. That’s the only control you’ll ever have. Your reaction determines everything including the life that unfolds. Declare I’m in control, I’m a powerful deliberate creator bound to succeed and thrive. Danny G.