Managing Your Mental Health

What are mental health challenges? We’re all emotional beings who have feelings. Mental illness is not managing your emotions or never confronting them until they spiral out of control. Somebody once told me that mental illness is caused merely by conditions, environment and circumstances. I’m not going to argue with that statement by saying it has no impact on our health. However, saying our condition is merely a chemical imbalance or a poor upbringing is saying the illness and environment is controlling us. With this mindset we are powerless and weak. Do you want to be tossed and turned by the conditions in your life, or do you want to say I’m in control, I define myself and I determine my life and future? 

When we don’t manage our finances, we become broke and in debt. Same applies when we leave our troublesome thoughts on the back burner until disaster hits. Eventually one of the links break. 

Managing your mental health means practicing self care. Practicing self care means quieting your mind, changing your inner dialogue and finding purpose in your life. Quieting the mind can be done through meditation, a walk in nature or yoga. 

Changing your inner dialogue is listening to your thoughts, understanding their depth and reason for being. It’s easier to change your thoughts when you can identify them. It’s refocusing your thoughts into what you wish to create. It’s focusing on productivity and optimism rather than the negative dialogue.

Finding purpose in your life is following your passion, your zest for life and gifting. It’s following your inspiration and inner guidance. When we have purpose in our life, and we’re of service to others, we feel greater satisfaction. 

Greater satisfaction, finding purpose and following your intuition all contributes to your overall mental health and happiness. And happiness is key to greater health. 

The Master Of Your Fate

You are the master of your fate, destined to be the deliberate creator you are. Don’t fall prey to an outside fate, for you have no control with this mindset. Leaving everything to an outside fate is saying you are powerless, and you have no free will with your thoughts. Everything stems from thoughts, mindfulness and faith, so allow this mindset to dominate and call it your own. Danny G. 

Create Your Beliefs and Expectations

The only control others have over you is their power to convince you of their truth. If you allow them to change your beliefs and expectations negatively, you give them your power. Create your own beliefs and expectations, and allow your inner truths to permeate your soul. Danny G. 

Greatest Freedom

You have no control over others. You have the power to influence others, or you can pray for your loved ones, but the only control and power you have is over yourself. So focus on being the best version of you, and lead by the clarity of your example. When you do this, it’s the greatest influence you have over another, and it’s the greatest freedom you can give to yourself and others. Danny G. 

Effortlessly and Gracefully

I have learned to be at peace whether you come or leave. I have learned to be at peace despite your lack or manifestation. Seeking inward is the only power and control I have, and when I’m ready, the manifestation appears effortlessly and gracefully. Danny G. 

Rise Up

Be grateful for the adversity that shaped you into who you are today. Be appreciative that you didn’t surrender to it, believing it controlled you. You rose up every time it struck you, and you came out better than you were before. To me, that is the definition of true success. Danny G. 

Mastering Mindfulness

Mastery is practicing mindfulness while everything around you is in havoc or chaos. It’s having joy and gratitude despite the storm, and the naysayers. When we acknowledge our power and self control, and don’t allow others to persuade us, the storm can never destroy us. Wisdom guides us as we shine our light for our loved ones and humanity. Danny G. 

Self Reliance

Self reliance is depending on you, the deliberate creator you are. When you rely solely on others, you will never gain full control. The only control you have is from yourself, your thoughts, words and actions. Therefore, seek you first, depend on your own unique abilities, and allow the universe to conspire on your behalf. Danny G. 

The Essence Of Our Being

Our ego always focuses on external matters which are irrelevant to who we are. If we allow our ego to control us, we lose all power while allowing the tide to overtake us. Self awareness is realizing we are in control through source, the essence of our being. It’s realizing seeking inward is our true calling, and when we seek within, everything falls into place, including all the lives we touch. Danny G. 

Best Version Of Me

I don’t seek perfection, I seek the best version of me. That’s the only control I’ll ever have, and it’s the only control I’ll ever need for fulfillment and joy. Everything else is out of my control other than being the best where I am, with what I have. Danny G.