Your Ultimate Power

Nothing controls you other than what you’re allowing to control you. The reason you believe this adversity is controlling you is because you think the adversity is greater than the force that is for you. Know God, our source and creator, is the most powerful force in the universe. He is the universe, and he is in everything that you see. Therefore, don’t give the adversity any power, and put all your faith in God. For he knows you best, and he knows exactly what you need to overcome and thrive. Danny G.

Perfection and Perception

Perfection can mean two things. It can mean being your best where you are with what you have. Or it can be the impossible task of getting everything right and never falling. With the former, you have control, and you choose your reaction. However, the latter will never give you the power to create and ultimately the gift of the journey. Danny G.

Creation and Illusions

At one point in time, you were so vibrant, so lively, so fun to be around. Then you let others turn you into someone you’re not. You allowed their lies and misconceptions to take root, as you allowed them to control you. Slowly and gradually, your worthiness and value slipped, into a pit so deep, their misconceptions became yours. After wondering in a drought for so long, and pondering life’s misconceptions of you, you took a deep pause of reflection and faith, and tossed aside your created illusion. You said all is well, at my father’s hand, and I’ve been dwelling in the illusionary land. I now declare my rightful land, as I seek within, from the father’s land. I don’t allow others to alter my course, nor do I allow the word of treachery and cruelty to rule me. I’ve been down this path before, I won it in my mind, so be it in life. Danny G.

Focusing on the Right Things

Why do people break down and collapse? Because they’ve been focusing on the negative for far too long, and they can no longer contain themselves. After being pessimistic for a while, we act on autopilot without recognizing it. We believe it’s our reality, and we believe the reality controls us, and we give it our power. These thoughts spill out with words and behavior and then the inevitable happens, we collapse. If you want to avoid breaking down, start now, renew your spirit, youth and vitality, and you’ll avoid the inevitable collapse. Then you’ll say this is my reality, and this is my power, and my inevitable creation. Danny G.

Always Room for Growth

How do you focus on a new story when you’re sick and broke? Distract yourself from the current situation, and focus on wellness and prosperity. Focus on what brings joy, and focus on all the reasons you can summon to live. Once you noticed progress, know that’s your indication, you’re always in control. And know that’s your indication, there’s always room for growth. Danny G.

The Only Factor

We all have dreams and aspirations we hold on to. Sometimes life doesn’t turn out as planned. The only factor that can change your life is your reaction to life’s obstacles. When you accept your reaction changes everything, you know the obstacle cannot control you. You know you’re in control, and you claim your victory, and own the rest. Danny G.

Restlessness and Perseverance

I thank you spirit of restlessness and longing, for without you I would have never mastered discipline and perseverance. I thank you spirit of restlessness and longing, for without your constant teaching and strength, I would be forever tossed and turned by the waves of the sea. Danny G.

Have Faith and Let Go

If he lives inside you indefinitely, know you always have what you need, and you’re always in control. The sole provider, and universal consciousness, is inside you and every consciousness on this planet. Therefore, don’t doubt, trust in the process, and have faith in your source. Danny G.

All Power is From Within

Every disease is caused by one of these three things-thoughts, words or actions. Every failure is derived from either thoughts, words or actions. Every success is derived from thoughts, words or actions. 

Saying disease, failure or success comes from another source other than our thoughts, words and actions is to deny our own power and control over the situation. Denying our power over the situation is saying all outcome comes from an outside force, in which we have no control. 

Whenever you say an outcome is from an outside force, you lose all control, since you have no control over anything that is outside of you. The only control you have is through your thoughts, words and actions.

Other people’s behavior and the world at large is out of your control. The only power you have over others and the world is through your power of influence. You cannot choose for them. The only control you have over events and circumstances, is your reaction, which has the power to change the situation positively or negatively. 

All action stems from thoughts and words. All words stem from thoughts. First you have the thought, then you speak about it, then you act on it. Think about something long enough you speak about it, and then you speak about it long enough, you act on it.

There can’t be a universe without thoughts nor can there be a disease without thoughts that created it. Nor can there be failures or success without thoughts that created it. It’s our thoughts, words and actions which writes the story of our lives and the universe.

Lifestyle choices, stress, worrying, pessimism, despair, fear, and feelings of vulnerability all create our lives including disease, or any type of failure. The only reason we don’t know thoughts are the primary cause for these negative creations is because we’ve been thinking about it for so long that we accepted it as our reality. We’ve accepted this reality as our truth and beliefs. We bury these thoughts for so long and we do nothing to confront them, and then the thoughts become our everyday conversation and experience. 

The answer to change this current reality is to write another story and to continue speaking about it even if your current reality contradicts your new and improved story. You need to continue to declare it until this new story becomes your beliefs and expectations and inevitably your new life story.

True Meaning of Unwavering Faith

What is unwavering faith? Is it never doubting? Is it never feeling fear? Is it always being steadfast in the face of adversity or opposition? We know that’s not the case, as there are many faithful individuals who achieved great things, yet they still felt fearful when they faced adversities or opposition. 

Some of the greatest masters that lived on this planet felt doubt and fear, and they weren’t always steadfast, but they prospered in the end. They prospered because they persevered despite their doubts or fears and they didn’t let the doubts or fears consume them. They kept their vision in front of them and they kept on declaring their victory despite their uncertainties. 

Courage or bravery is not the absence of doubts or fears, it’s persevering despite doubts, or fears.  It’s affirming and speaking about the desired outcome despite everything pointing us in the opposite direction. It’s taking bold action steps regardless of the discomfort we feel. 

We’re human beings and it’s completely normal to feel doubt and fear, the only time it becomes a problem is when we give in. If you feel doubtful, fearful, or insecure, and you give in by constantly speaking about your doubts, fears or insecurities, you lost the battle and you move towards whatever you’re thinking about or speaking about. 

When you’re tempted to give in, affirm and speak the opposite of your negative thoughts and declare what you want to attract in your life. Speak the opposite of your negative feelings even if you don’t feel it at first, sooner or later you will begin to receive it in your being, hence, you will attract it in your life. 

The law works to our advantage because if we continue to think and speak negatively, we will become depressed and we will feel inadequate. The law works as a reminder to get us back on course so we don’t live in fear or pessimism. 

Can you imagine a world where people would get what they want despite them never believing in themselves and despite them being pessimistic and fearful about everything? Even if they get what they want, they wouldn’t be happy, and there would be no point in achieving anything. What good is there in achieving our goals and dreams, if we feel inadequate and ungrateful about our achievements, and life. 

Every great teacher that ever lived will say the same, “the true definition of unwavering faith is not the absence of fears and doubts, it’s persevering and it’s focusing on the solution rather than the adversity or opposition.” 

If you’re feeling fearful and you can’t shake it off, just know you haven’t lost the battle yet. Start focusing on your desired result, and keep on declaring your end result despite fears or doubts. 

When you’re steadfast and you persevere despite fears or opposition, you’re one step closer to see your dream or goal come to fruition.