Out of my darkest nights came about my greatest transformation, so I cannot hate those dark seasons, for without them, I would have never transformed, and healed. With healing comes power and self awareness. With healing comes freedom and peace. With healing comes strength and a determination not to give in. Danny G.
Your Sole Responsibility
You’re the only one responsible for your unhappiness. External matters only affect you to the degree you let them, and they have no control over you unless you give them power. Recognize your depth, your soul, and the universal forces dwelling inside your heart and mind. When you’re aware of this, you become the spiritual warrior destined to be, destined to thrive, and destined to triumph. Danny G.
Self Empowering Creator
Have perseverance and faith when tackling life’s challenges. When the challenge presents itself with confusion without an answer in sight, remember your source and creator. He has all the answers available when you seek within and allow his wisdom to guide you. Listen to your intuition, and allow the divine to unfold his miraculous works. When you do this, nothing can stop his divine will, purpose and dream. The power is in your hands as you create your destiny, and write the script. Danny G.
Unleash the Greater You
If you want to recreate the new version of you, you cannot recreate by holding on to the past. Holding on to the past only recreates yesterdays. If you want to recreate you, embrace change, and hold the vision in your mind of your creation. Allow the unfamiliar and the unknown to shape you into who you’re destined to be. The past can be a teacher, and the unknown can be your opportunity to unleash the greater you. Danny G.
Journey Of Triumph
When you stand above that bridge fearing the fall, find the strength within and know your calling. Force it into being if you must, and gather all the wisdom you can muster up. Then when you step down, with a sigh of relief, you can share with others, your journey of triumph and victory. Danny G.
Steadfastness and Perseverance
If you would see all the universal forces by your side waiting to assist you, you would never fear or doubt its power. You would know steadfastness and perseverance wins the battle. And you’d have the courage to step forth boldly with faith in your heart, and strength in your veins, while knowing the victory is yours to keep. Danny G.
Yours to Claim Now
No matter how dark it seems, and how illogical it seems. Even if everything tells you just to give in. Remember the heroes who walked this path, sparked change, and let go of the wrath. Remember the ones who stood by what they knew, and persisted despite the pain. Remember the ones who knew they had purpose, and then claimed it theirs. Remember these ones, as they paved the course. And remember, God says it’s yours to claim now. Danny G.
Your Power and Untapped Potential
Release all pessimism, fears, and bitterness, and allow God to unfold what he has in store. He has unlimited favor and abundance waiting for you to claim yours. If you simply just be and allow his spirit to lead, you’ll be astounded by your power and untapped potential within. Danny G.
Your Greatest Power
Your only control and power is being your best where you are with what you have, and being grateful where you currently stand. That’s the only control you’ll ever have, through thoughts, words and behavior. The rest must be left to the universal forces to guide you and unleash its magic. Danny G.
The God Within You
Message from the God within you: For whatever time it takes, I’m going to remind you of your power, and untapped potential. For whatever time it takes, I’m going to remind you of your strength, determination, and perseverance. For whatever time it takes, I’m going to remind you that you’re one step away from your breakthrough. For whatever time it takes, I’m going to remind you of the power of faith in overcoming obstacles. If you simply remember this, no longer will you fight the inevitable, and no longer will you fear, or doubt your power. Essentially, you’ll just be, and let it all in. Danny G.