Don’t focus on lack, powerlessness, or the fear that lingers in your mind. Don’t focus on how great the mountain appears to be. Focus on all the universal forces conspiring on your behalf for its glory. Focus on this source who loves you, guides you, and always looks out for you as you tread the mountain and triumph. Danny G.
Your Power and Gifting
You are the masterpiece of your life, therefore, create intentionally while knowing imagination is what springs forth all happiness and triumph. Every single trophy had to be created by man’s skillful hands, and it was delivered to man’s gifted hands. Therefore, know your power, your gifting, and your role in the evolution of your journey. Danny G.
Your Power and Resilience
With persistence, wisdom, and faith, you can conquer mountains before you. It all starts with a belief in your worthiness, strength, and the brilliant soul that you are. Don’t doubt your power, and resilience, for it was meant to catapult you to greatness. Danny G.
Your Only Control and Power
Your only control and power is being your best where you are with what you have. Know it’s always enough to achieve your every desire. If you can think it, you can manifest it, for every dream first started with a single thought, and it required persistence and faith to bring it to fruition. Be the best version of you, and allow the universe to intervene for your greatest good. Danny G.
The Intentions for the Journey
You can get so attached and entwined in this reality, you forget about hope and faith, and why you embarked on this journey. You get twisted up, and tangled, forgetting there’s always a means of escape. So seek within, know your power, declare your faith, and you’ll discover a wold inside, always willing to bring you back home. Danny G.
The Deliberate Creator
Everything that you desire is for the purpose of joy and fulfillment. That dream that is not manifesting is creating so much discord, you forgot why you wanted it in the first place. There was a time, you were excited, happy, and fulfilled. Over time, you allowed life to wear you down, and you dreaded the absence of your desire. You allowed the tide to overtake you and control you. Don’t allow it to linger, and don’t be dependent on something outside of you for joy. Recognize your power, your growth, and the deliberate creator you were born to be. Danny G.
A Unique One Of A Kind
Know in your heart you are a god or goddess in human form, a unique one of kind destined to leave your mark on this generation. Don’t doubt your power, and potential, for the most powerful force in the universe is guiding you to your ultimate best, growth and triumph. Danny G.
There are those people who do exceptionally great with their lives, and there are those people who only tread water. The ones who did great always broke free from the cage, they spread their wings and soared. Danny G.
Painting A Masterpiece
Nobody is destined to live in depression, and nobody is destined to live in fear. Neither are we destined to live in scarcity. Don’t allow this to become your home, and don’t accept you’ll always struggle. Force it into being if you must, or fake it until you make it. Allow the journey to unfold as you create your own story, and paint a meaningful masterpiece, in the midst of the storm. Danny G.
Claim Your Power
There’s always hope no matter how dark it seems, despite the long trek, trials and temptations. Allow God to reveal the path, while you declare your faith and perseverance. Claim your power, look ahead, and declare your destiny and dream. Danny G.