Perhaps plan A is not logical and possible. Maybe the plan you were counting on turned its back on you. Maybe you thought it was it, however, it only disappointed you in the end. If you could see from the other dimension what lies ahead, you would know with complete awareness, it’s not a dead end. You would know everything is from within, and you have the power and wherewithal to complete the next plan. Maybe plan A didn’t work out, but plan B is standing next to you, waiting for you to unleash the inner you. Danny G.
Untapped Potential
Everything that happens in our life and the world is ultimately for the evolution of our soul and humanity. Life teaches through experience if we simply listen. Life teaches with intuition, wisdom and an attentive ear. Everyone is unique, and everyone has their share to create a brighter humanity. If you didn’t have your share, God wouldn’t have created you and birthed you in this physical plane. He created you because he knew you had untapped potential, gifts, and talents and he wanted you to discover them for your own evolution, and the evolution of humanity. Danny G.
Your New Mission
There’s not one challenge that is too difficult to overcome. If someone did it, so can you. And if nobody did it, you can be the pioneer on a new mission. Bless the ones who paved the course for you, and blessed you for paving the course for them. If God said all things are possible, there’s not one mission that is too difficult to overcome. The only impossibility is your thoughts, so your new mission can be I CAN! Danny G.
Always Returning Home
Everything that happens in your life is for the evolution of your soul. Everything brings you back to your spiritual journey, the essence of who you are. You may forget from time to time, but life will cause you to remember again. You’re a spiritual being who comes from the divine, and you’re bound to know yourself better. You’re bound to know who you truly are, and remember the laws that govern humanity. You’re bound to know the laws so you can thrive, and when you thrive, you inevitably lead by the clarity of your example. Danny G.
Merely Stepping Stones
The challenges we face can sometimes feel overwhelming and insurmountable. When we realize these challenges are merely stepping stones to discover ourselves anew, we know they appear as a means to unleash our inner gifts. Danny G.
My True Essence
Ego knocks on my door sometimes asking me to forget what’s rightfully mine. I accept the egos attempt is simply my humanistic self again. I accept my humanistic self with loving eyes and focus on the essence of who I truly am. And when I focus on myself and the divine, I am reminded of my true purpose and potential of who I can be. Danny G.
EGO (edging God out)
Our Greatest Teacher
Being human means we’re imperfect individuals creating ourselves anew everyday. Being human means we walk an imperfect path to our divine destiny and purpose. Being human means we’ll make mistakes, as we tread the path of our divine journey. It also means our mistakes can be our greatest teacher and building block for a brighter tomorrow. Danny G.
No Limitations
If God created the cosmos at the utmost perfection, can there be any limitations to his power? The God who created the cosmos created you, resides in you, and he also resides in every particle in the universe. When you consider his magnitude, why should your utmost prayer be unanswered? The only impossibility starts with I can’t, so next time you’re in doubt, your prayer should start with I can! Danny G.
All Part of the Plan
The adversities you faced may not seem logical or fair. You may see it as a delay or unfortunate detour that was totally unnecessary. I can assure you, one day you’ll understand and know, it all happened for your greatest good and the evolution of humanity. You’ll know God had a plan, and you were part of it to create a brighter humanity. Danny G.
A Building Block
For every challenge we face, there’s a greater reward on the other side if we’re steadfast despite the storm. The reward appears when we persevere despite the adversity, and we smile at its intensity. Then our challenge becomes a building block for a brighter tomorrow. Danny G.