I thank you spirit of restlessness and longing, for without you I would have never mastered discipline and perseverance. I thank you spirit of restlessness and longing, for without your constant teaching and strength, I would be forever tossed and turned by the waves of the sea. Danny G.
Integrity for Glory
When recognition, power, or wealth becomes your priority exceeding the importance of integrity and God, you know you have lost your alignment. Remember, God gave you your gifts and wealth, so always do your best to honor him, and God will do his best to honor you for his glory. Danny G.
Your Intuition Never Lies
Choose the path that resonates with you and that you know in the depth of your being, feels right to you. Don’t conform, because everyone has their unique agenda and calling. Your intuition never lies, and it knows the path to your overall well-being and happiness. Danny G.
Find What Works for You
We all have unique gifts, intuition and a calling, so what works for someone may not work for the next. Find what works for you, and invest time for your spiritual growth and purpose. When you invest time for your unique purpose, you realize you have all the tools you need to fulfill your life mission. The tools are for your unique journey, made especially for you, to unleash your full potential. Danny G.
Your Journey is Unique
Don’t assume it’s the correct path simply because it’s the conventional route. Know your uniqueness has a sole purpose, to fulfill its destiny and happiness. Your path is not meant to follow the journey of everyone else, as it’s meant to fulfill you and your uniqueness, ultimately for your best. Danny G.
All Answers Within
Everyone starts on a different path, so don’t beat yourself up for where you are today. Comparison is a lie because it convinces us we’re not enough, and we’ve failed. You are unique, and there’s no one exactly like you. Remember this when you tread the path to your happiness and mission. Just know there’s no one exactly like you, and know you have all the answers within, for a brighter tomorrow.
Danny G.
Constant Motion Forward
I remain focused on the sandy shore at the forefront view, while the path presents itself, day by day. When I look back, uneasiness sets in like a strong feeling in my gut, not to break. While all forces pull me forward, I know there’s an invisible source, carving the way. I know this invisible source is working it out in my favor, and I know it’s destined to be my will, purpose and dream. Danny G.
Don’t Miss the Journey
As he was steadily focused on the destination, life passed him by, like the blink of an eye, always waiting to be unraveled. After his life passed him by, like the blink of an eye, he observed closely, realizing, he overlooked the simple element of enjoying the journey. Danny G.
Alignment Equals Manifestation
Can you identify a time when you lost your alignment and your dream or solution drifted away? You had it in the grip of your hand, then you lost it through your misalignment, and fears. The best solution to this dilemma is to devote a few minutes every day for your alignment and balance. When you invest time for your spiritual evolution and awareness, the universe opens doors that seemed insurmountable from the start. Danny G.
The Hero Within Us
We look at a celebrity with admiration and astonishment in our eyes. We sing them praises for merely their talent, elegance, and recognition. Yet we don’t see our own magnificence, triumph, and the hero within us. We’re heroes because we persevered despite the seemingly little odds. We’re heroes because we didn’t give in despite the world crashing down on us. We’re heroes because we persisted despite it all, and saw the victory, not for reasons that are irrelevant to who we are. Danny G.