Self Reliant to Conquer

Reprogramming the mind takes practice and persistence. It’s not a one time manifestation. Practice self discipline and self control. Declare that you’re self reliant to conquer all odds. Declare the overcomer you were always destined to be. Danny G. 

Negative Attachments

Negative attachment is saying I need this to be happy. It’s saying I need to be somewhere else to be happy. With this mindset, you lose the battle. Your power remains in the moment and by seeking inward. Letting go of attachments is saying I’m in control of my happiness and freedom, and I claim it now. Danny G. 

Finding Your Ecstasy

Find your own ecstasy, joy and enthusiasm. These emotions are all inborn within you. Don’t seek merely the chemical to get a high, seek your inner resources and create your high. Self reliance is knowing you have the power within you. Empower yourself to be the phoenix you’re born to be. Danny G. 

The Power Of Optimism

Speaking from a broad perspective, there are two mindsets. It’s optimism and pessimism. Optimism is seeing the good in the world, the good in yourself and in humanity. It’s changing the negative into a positive by finding meaning and purpose within the imperfections. 

The one who is optimistic is less likely to have mental health challenges, because what is mental illness? It’s pessimism, bitterness and fear. Enough of these negative emotions, and you become depressed and anxious. Enough of these negative emotions, and you become overwhelmed, and you cannot manage it, which creates disease. 

Mental illness can be described as not managing your mental health, or feeling powerless or not in control. If you were managing your mental health, you wouldn’t be mentally ill. Optimism makes the journey easier and swifter. 

Optimism and faith go hand in hand. When we are truly optimistic, we have faith, and we can say when we have great faith, we are optimistic. Optimism is playing the best case scenario in your mind, while pessimism is replaying the worst case scenario. 

Gratitude and appreciation is another form of optimism. When we are grateful and appreciative, we are optimistic. The key is to remain in this optimistic frame of mind as often as you can. You will fall from time to time, but that’s normal. It’s all part of being human. For when we master one challenge, another one is on the horizon waiting for us to grab a hold of, and conquer. That’s the process of life and our journey to personal growth. 

True optimism says I forget and I forgive who’s done me wrong. True optimism says I let go of negative attachment or trauma. True optimism says I’m on this path for a reason, and it’s my choice to create as the deliberate creator I’m born to be. 

The Power Of Faith

Faith is the motivation we need to achieve our desires. Without faith in yourself or in a higher power, you wouldn’t believe in yourself, nor would you believe you can achieve anything. It all starts with an idea, an inspiration, or an insight that motivates you to action, and that’s where faith begins. 

With enough faith, inspired action calls you without hesitation. Faith is also knowing the source within you has all the answers and solutions you’re looking for. Who would know best other than the one who created you and that created the universe? 

This source or creator is one of love, so he always has your best interest at heart. When you’re in alignment with this force, anything is possible and anything is within your reach. Faith is the answer to all your questions and solutions. It’s the answer to the desires of your heart. 

When you ask a question to the divine, you must have faith, he will answer. When you ask him for a solution, you must believe there is a solution, and you must have faith in the infinite intelligence. 

The desires of your heart are birthed by the divinity you are. If they weren’t possible, God wouldn’t have birthed the desire within you. What is having faith? It starts with three things: thoughts, words and actions. 

Your thoughts are of faith when you dwell on possibilities and the power of the infinite. Your thoughts are of faith when you affirm, or speak about your desires as though they’ve already manifested. It’s aligning your thoughts and words with the divinity you are. 

The final step is recognizing when you’re ready to take action. It’s recognizing the opportunity and following inspired action. Inspired action feels like ease and peace. It feels like the next logical step. Let peace be your empire, and as of Tao would describe it, let yourself be lived by it. 

Empowered Motivator

You’re not the victim, you’re an empowered motivator bound to make your mark on this generation. Repeat this until it becomes your mantra, your very way of being and living. As though the artist paints, you declare. Danny G. 

It’s Already Yours

There’s two ways of pursuing your desires. You can focus on lack and declare lack. You can declare that you need this thing to feel happy and worthy. Or you can be happy, fulfilled and at peace regardless of its current lack, and still focus and act on your dreams. Which journey feels better? 

You’re always going to seek to achieve a new desire. Once a desire is fulfilled, then another one is conceived, and you’ll be working to achieve a new dream. Focusing on lack creates stress and bitterness. You can focus on scarcity or you can focus on faith. The choice is up to you. 

Needing something outside yourself to feel fulfilled doesn’t feel joyous. It’s because you’re depending on something outside yourself to be happy. Therefore, you feel disempowered and not in control of the situation. 

When you feel fulfilled regardless of the situation and you trust the universe will deliver your desires, you don’t need anything to be happy. You know happiness comes from within, and you know when you’re in alignment, the manifestation is inevitable. You feel in control of the only thing you are in control of, your inner world, which has the power to create your outer world and attract what you want in life. 

With this self control and empowerment, you know you can  attract anything you desire. The best way to have more in life is to make peace with your present circumstances, feel gratitude, and appreciation. 

What happens when you are happy, grateful and at peace despite lack or scarcity in the physical world? You are stable, balanced and in alignment with the divine. What happens when you are happy and steadfast despite the chaos of the world? You are stable, balanced and in alignment with the divine. 

Stability and alignment with source means you’re ready for your manifestations. When you feel unfulfilled, unhappy and uneasy because your dreams haven’t manifested, you’re trading your mental health for lack or scarcity. 

If you want to create a new life story, don’t focus on lack. Stop fighting against lack. Feel appreciation, joy and peace. You’ll discover this is the best path to greater joy and your manifestations. 

You become what you think about. Be your own source of inspiration and motivation. Don’t fall victim to disempowerment and the outside world. You control your inner world, and that’s enough to change your outer world. 

Being Productive With Your Time

Our mind and body are constantly changing and evolving. Is your body the same as it was 5 years ago or 10 years ago? The question should be, how do we change our mind and body for our greatest good, happiness and success. 

The only control we have is through thoughts, words and actions. Enough thoughts creates feelings and emotions. Enough words creates feelings and emotions. Behavior is enough thinking or speaking that results in action. 

You can think yourself into exhaustion if you dwell on lack of energy or lack of enthusiasm. Or you can think of yourself as strong if you dwell on the infinite and limitless source that lives inside you. You can think yourself into sickness if you only dwell on your symptoms and pain. Or you can think yourself into health if you focus on faith, wisdom and love. 

When you focus on faith, how much energy is left on fear? When you focus all your attention on faith, how much energy is left on feelings of lack? When you focus on wisdom, inspiration and enlightenment, are you more likely to make wise choices or poor choices? 

Whatever you entertain in your mind, you project into your body and your every day choices. When you reflect on love, how much space is there for anger, bitterness and pessimism? It all depends on how much energy you focus and act on positive emotions rather than negative emotions. 

I use these 3 emotions of faith, wisdom and love because they are so important to greater health, joy and success. Faith is the opposite of fear. It’s also the opposite of lack. It’s the opposite of pessimism. Wisdom is what allows us to make wise choices and put our faith into action. Love is what God is, and when we dwell on love rather than anger, bitterness and pessimism, we’re in alignment with the divine. Self love and loving others is God in action. 

Symptoms only control us to the degree we allow them to. Failure only controls us to the degree we allow it to. It’s our reaction that defines us and the life that unfolds. If we focus all our mental energy on our symptoms and pain, we give the symptoms greater power. If we focus all our energy on failure, little energy is left for learning, growing and transformation. 

You only have so much energy until you need to rest and rejuvenate your body. Use that time wisely, and you’ll have greater health, joy and success. 

Seeking Self Love

You can allow others to create your happiness and bliss, or you can create your own happiness and bliss. When you allow others to create it for you, you will be tossed and turned by the waves of the sea. For others will fail from time to time, and seeking outwardly for love negates the most important person which is you. Seek independence, seek self reliance, seek self love and then the world will correspond to your inner world. Danny G. 

Retell the Story

Notice if the story you’re telling yourself is causing pessimism and bitterness. Our inner dialogue can create assumptions and delusions. Recognize that feeling, and return to wellness and self reliance. Retell the story the way you see it through the eyes of source, and through your unique and authentic perspective and will. Danny G.