Your True Source is You (Poem)

We live our lives,

Depending on others,

To make us happy,

Because deep down,

We feel scared and frail,

And need approval,

From other souls.

We search for approval,

Through everyone but we,

Because the moment

Someone values what,

We cannot conceive,

We want more,

To escape the longing,

Inside our soul.

The longing becomes unbearable,

Each time we need approval,

We seek outside ourselves,

To bring only, what we can.

We don’t get to the source,

Which is our soul,

If we simply listen,

The answer is within,

The essential calling,

Of our soul.

The Road to Mastery (Poem)

Through trial and error,

We tough the storm.

The wind blows against our soul,

In this illusionary world.

We don’t understand life,

As we squeeze tight

To be right.

The ideas, that once worked,

Are now expired,

In this illusionary world.

Through trial and error,

We make our stance,

Declare what we know.

The wind blows beneath our feet,

And shakes us deep.

We declare our wants,

More comes against us.

As we make our stance,

And are now sturdy,

In this illusionary world.

Through trial and error,

The wind doesn’t shake us.

As we learn through leaping forward,

Through the laws that govern us all.

The wind remains beneath our feet,

As we make our stance,

In this illusionary world.

Through trial and error,

We stand up straight.

Firm, unwavering, ready to play.

As we acknowledge our ways,

In this created reality,

Where we declare out loud,

And write the script.

The Soul and the Ego (Poem)

She is insecure.

Although on the outside,

She’s the life of the party,

That everyone loves.

An outgoing personality, 

Attractive and provocative,

She stops at nothing, 

And can get any guy she wants.


Inside she feels,

Afraid and Uneasy, 

So she puts on an act, 

To avoid revealing herself.

Hiding beneath true feelings, 

In an attempt to portray herself,

Normally among the rest.

She is afraid,

To acknowledge him,

To admit she admires him.

For he doesn’t seem her type,

So she puts on a disguise,

And puts on a show,

Because what matters to her most,

Is her ego, and not her soul.

Although on the outside,

She appears to be happy,

Inside she feels empty and lonely,

Fickle and relentless,

Always trying to avoid, 

The negative chatter and her voice.

So she puts him on hold,

Because what matters to her most is her ego,

And not her soul.

Reconnecting With You

The best approach to reconnect with our soul and have inner peace in the chaos of today is to cut out distractions. When we are focused merely on the physical world, we have all types of distractions that steer us away from our inner guidance, and inner peace.

We must learn to be of the world but not let people conform us to their beliefs and expectations. The world can be a noisy place if we’re paying attention to everything and everyone but ourselves. The problem begins when we get too focused on this external reality and forget our true purpose which is our spiritual evolution.

When we focus too much on the external, we get distracted from our beliefs and expectations which ultimately defines who we are. Then we allow the world to conform us to their ideal of normalcy or reality.

Without realizing our change of perception, we allow people to change our beliefs and expectations to thoughts of pessimism, bitterness, and vulnerability, and then we call these thoughts reality. We also allow people to tell us what we can or cannot do, and we focus so much on their perspective that we forget our own power.

Words are powerful and we’re consistently hearing words every day, and the more we hear them, the more we contemplate them, and the more we contemplate them, we create that reality.

We get accustomed to other beliefs and expectations which steers us away from our inner guidance, and in some cases it steers us away from healing. The universe is a creation by God and humanity and your life is a creation by your past thoughts, words and actions. What we see in our individual life is a reality created by ourselves and our environment, and whomever were a part of our lives.

The problem begins when we get sidetracked with information that doesn’t agree with our inner self and we allow this information to take root. We get distracted from our soul’s purpose and we allow this distraction to change us into someone we’re not.

We need to accept everyone’s beliefs and expectations while not allowing them to steer us off course and away from our destiny. We should eliminate all beliefs and expectations that don’t agree with our higher self, and acknowledge the beliefs and expectations which are aligned with our source and creator God.

The best approach to reconnecting with you is to spend time every day without any distractions and focus on you and God. Five, ten or fifteen minutes may be enough to give you inner peace and focus while not allowing the world to change you into someone you’re not.